Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

What's Under Your Clothes? A Solid Investment in Confidence

Despite the ever-present message of thin, thin and thinner, most executives (and even the average Joe or Jane on the street) would definitely say that when it comes to appearances, empowerment and confidence trump dress size every day of the week. That's why what we're all really selling, underneath our dress slacks, silk tops and expensive blazers, is self-esteem! The package it comes in is just the icing on the cake.

But there's a BIG but to that statement (no pun intended), and that's this: A closet full of gorgeous outfits not only arms you for success, but also creates peace of mind and the freedom to just be yourself. Why? Because quite simply, when you look good, you feel good. And while beauty is definitely an inside job, having a snazzy looking outside certainly doesn't hurt. No matter what occasion you're headed into, having a great, stylish ensemble that flatters your figure and coloring is a top priority.

There isn't a person out there who hasn't had a "bad hair" day, when everything they put on feels wrong... so what happens? Your confidence goes down the toilet. So no matter how busy you are, or what your budget is, making it your business to own cool, beautiful fashions that are just right for you is a can't miss investment in your best asset -- YOU. Imagine opening your closets and drawers and outfit after great outfit greets you. Vibrant colors and bold designs call to you from every hanger - enough that literally every day and every occasion provides you with exciting fashion choices and joie de vivre, instead of anxiety. No matter where you're headed, you should have something great and comfortable to wear.

So what do you really have under your clothes? In the case of the well-dressed, full-figured woman, you have confidence and a fun and zesty attitude; you have peace of mind and self-worth, and you look great and feel gorgeous, even in a room full of New York models. Now that's an investment worth making any day of the week

And after all, why not? This is your one life, and you get to be marvelous and live it large. You get to have fun with your clothing and create a wardrobe full of great choices, from "little" black dresses to pink palazzo pants! This is your gorgeous body. Love it and celebrate it with a great collection suited just for you. And remember, sometimes it's the little things that take your wardrobe from drab to fab - a great new purse, some animal-print shell earrings, and a lavish ivory wrap will bring your old denim jeans and v-neck to life. The bottom line is that fashion isn't as much about how you LOOK on the outside, as how you FEEL on the inside. With any luck, what you will create over time will be a colorful and vibrant stage on which you can showcase your personal beauty, inside and out.

Stacy Montgomery, VP of sales for SWAK designs has built her career around her passion, which is embracing her own unique beauty and healthy, plus-sized body. She says: "I have always been full-figured, and I am a great looking size 16. I am healthy, beautiful, and proud to be me!" SWAK Designs covers everything from "the little black dress" to everyday fashions and outerwear.

Article Source:

By Stacy Montgomery

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