Senin, 02 Maret 2009


By Katheryn Hoban Platinum Quality Author

If you develop compassion for people and all creatures you
can reach out to them. You can offer help to them. You
will be able to feel their situation. You will see them
clearly not for the circumstances that they find them-
selves but in who they can become. You will recognize
the beauty inside of them. You will recognize that they
are very much like yourself. You can empathize with
them. Once you do that you may be able to help them
affect a change. Or do it for them. You can have
compassion for one person, for a whole country, or a
whole area, or for the whole world. You can develop
compassion for every creature.

When you act with compassion, you are able to see with
clarity, that the person in front of you does not know who they truly are in the spirit. You will see that they do not recognize their own choices, or their own worth, or their own beauty. Perhaps you will see their strength even though they feel weak.

Compassion helps you to overcome obstacles on behalf of someone/something that you might not otherwise attempt to overcome. Compassion motivates you and stirs you to change. Laws and situations have been changed because of one person to thousands of people filled with compassion working in a unified manner.

There have been articles written on how animals with
compassion have saved other animals and humans. There
was one article about a wolf that had compassion for a man
who had been lost in the wilderness in the winter. The
wolf stayed with the man several days and kept a watch on
him so that the other wolves would not come close to him.
On one particular day the man had gone without food for
several days and the wolf showed up with a freshly killed
rabbit and dropped it in the snow for him so that he would
not starve to death.

Another time the man said that he felt like the wolf was
leading him. When he followed the wolf for several miles,
the wolf had led him to a cluster of big heavy pine trees
and a place on the ground underneath that was covered with
dozens of twigs and pine branches like a bed. It was a
protected place from the snow, wind and predators. The wolf
might have given up his bed for this man. The man said that
without the wolf’s compassion he would never had survived.

There are many articles about dolphins who have rescued
people, have risked their own life to fight off sharks for them,
and have carried them to safety. I saw a news story on the tele-
vision about a small boy who had fallen into the gorilla’s cage
at a zoo right in front of about five gorillas. One gorilla first
came to the unconscious boy to examine him. The boy began
to wake up and was quite startled and began to wail in pain
and fear. The gorilla did something extraordinary and picked
up the boy and carried him to the entrance where the handlers
and the food comes out. Then the gorilla stepped back from
the entrance so that the handlers could enter and retrieve the
injured boy without a problem. That is an extraordinary act
of compassion!! One creature was moved to help another.

Thank God, that we have also been moved by compassion to
help our fellow human beings and animals in times that they
have become hapless or that have been injured or trapped.
That we can ban together to help a creature in need. Always
remember that we might have been in dire need once upon a
time or that someday we could be that person who finds
ourselves in a terrible situation. Have compassion on others
and remember to have compassion on yourself.

Yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher and Reiki Master Teacher with twelve years experience. She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author of the book -Masters of Consciousness—A Guide Book for the Cosmic Traveler. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. Yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340 and sign up for our newsletter and See me reading from my book on youtube

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