Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Beautiful From the Inside Out

The cliché, 'Beauty is only skin deep,' has more poignant value than at first glance. Many people do not take the time to notice and acknowledge how beautiful they are as a human being. It is unfortunate that we were taught from a young age to not 'brag' or to not consider ourselves as beautiful humans inside and out, because it was considered vain to do so. The majority of people look in the mirror with expectations and preconceived notions about beauty that bind them from seeing themselves clearly.

As a result, people miss the beauty that is the most important, the beauty of being who they truly are. Seeing beauty on the outside is a shallow and misconstrued sense of who we truly are. We notice how well we are conforming to social norms and a 'Hollywood' airbrushed version of beauty, and we fail to see the deeper beauty that shines from within and that will continue to shine regardless of how 'Hollywood' depicts beauty.

When you cut through all the false and misconstrued ideas of beauty and simply appreciate who you truly are, you free up your energy and your beauty will shine through more brightly.

There are many ways to bring out your inner beauty. Practicing yoga, meditation, exercising, being in nature helps to connect you with how beautiful you are. This is because you release some of the baggage, thus unburdening yourself and bringing forth the spirit that dwells within you. Combining the divine spirit and the human body conveys beauty more accurately than anything else.

To keep yourself in touch with your beauty, surround yourself with images that reflect your beauty back to you-photos of family, children, images of teachers who embody spirit, or self-portraits that capture your essence in a way that allows you to see yourself in various surroundings. The best way to keep yourself in touch with your beauty is to look deeply into your soul and open your eyes to the unique human being you are. With or without 'Hollywood' airbrushing, external beauty is only skin deep.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings. http://www.drdorothy.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dorothy_M._Neddermeyer,_PhD

By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD Platinum Quality Author

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