Senin, 16 Maret 2009

How to Save a Marriage That is Struggling and Make a Good Marriage Even Stronger

Men say that they are rational and that women are emotional. Women, however, believe that men are half-deaf and that they are the rational ones. This is one of the reasons that some marriages seem to self-destruct. Men and women simply have different ways of communicating! Ladies, if you'd like to save your marriage, follow these simple steps and you can save a marriage that is struggling or make a good marriage even stronger.

1) Change the Way You Talk

Men speak differently than women do, which means that they hear things differently as well. My friend Jenny once said to her husband that she missed having another couple to spend time with and he thought that she meant she was bored with being with him. It may be totally irrational to ladies, but it makes sense to men.

While a man's ego is in his pants, his insecurities are in his ears, and he can hear things that you never say or mean. Make sure that he understands what you are saying, and if he misunderstands, change the way you're saying it so that he gets it correctly.

2) Talk to His Buddies

If your relationship is rocky, talk with his buddies. While a woman's best friends may have a hard time telling their friend's husband about his wife's problem, a man's best friend usually doesn't.

Talk with them and try to figure out what his real take is on the relationship. Chances are you will hear that your husband has been saying glowing things about you, as men can more easily talk to their friends than they can to their wives.

3) Be "Wifely"

In this modern day and age women often expect men to do at least half of the housework. The problem comes when a woman takes her husband for granted and allows him to do almost everything around the house.

No matter how busy you are, or how frustrated or tired you are, take a few minutes out to be "wifely". If he's lounging on a chair, ask him if he'd like a drink. If he takes a lunch to work and usually makes his own, make one for him every once in awhile. It may seem like a small thing, but trust me, it will be greatly appreciated.

4) Show Him Your Desires

A man likes nothing better than to know that his wife desires him. Show him how much you desire him. Take him dancing and dance close with him like you used to do. Take a shower together and bump up against him.

Men, like women, like to feel desired, so make sure that your man knows how much you desire him.

5) The Way to His Heart

What is the way to your man's heart? Is it through sports, or is it through food? Rediscover the way to your man's heart and join him on his quest to enjoy it. If he loves sports, try to get involved. If he enjoys food, learn how to cook some gourmet food together.

If he is into reading, read the same book and discuss it between the two of you. Most men enjoy having their wives with them, so find ways to be together.

6) Sex Isn't Everything

Here's where we go against everything that most women learn at an early age. Yes, most men do enjoy sex, however, they often enjoy it much more when it's withheld for awhile. Instead of jumping right into bed, especially if you're fighting, abstain for a bit.

Take time instead to touch, cuddle, and talk to one another. It may frustrate your man in the beginning, but sooner than later he'll realize what you're doing and why and will come to appreciate you more. Men like to be held too, so curl up against his back at night and hold him.

7) Tell Him Everything

As I've said before, men often hear things that their wife never said. Their imagination tends to go wild and they start thinking that their wife no longer loves them or finds them attractive.

This is because men are a lot more fragile than they'd ever have you believe. Instead of hiding things from him "just to make it easier", tell him everything. Don't hide anything from him. If you're thinking about going shopping with another couple, tell him.

If you want to purchase a new dress, talk about it. The more you inject him into your life, the more he'll be able to relax about the relationship.

Men are just as difficult to understand as women. Unlike women, they hide their feelings because they believe it to be the "manly" thing to do. If you want to save your marriage, don't let him hide. Give him all of yourself and make him give all of himself so that your marriage can survive.

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By C. Pemo Platinum Quality Author

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