Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Top 3 Tips to be Beautiful Inside & Out!

Do we really need to spend a great amount of money (and time) on products or artificial enhancements to make ourselves beautiful?In today's world where companies make millions of dollars in the beauty industry, it really helps to know that you do not need to spend a great amount of money on products or artificial enhancements to really be beautiful.

A positive attitude, a sound mind and body, and a positive well-being are the top three assets that will help you glow from within. Here are the top 3 tips on how you can be beautiful inside out:

1. Explore yourself!Know who you are and be comfortable with yourself. The way that you feel about yourself will reflect on the outside especially on your facial expression.. If you are feeling stressed and annoyed, it will be shown on your facial expression no matter how much makeup you put on or how well you dress. On the other hand, if you are comfortable and happy with yourself, you know exactly who you are and you have a positive outlook in yourself and life, then you will exude beauty from within, even without any artifice or sexy outfit.

2. You are unique!Be confident and embrace your uniqueness. Beauty is simply a matter of perception. There are people who do not have angelic features or a perfect profile but once you look at them, they have an aura and air that you just cannot put a finger on. This vitality comes from their inner confidence. If you just concentrate on your flaws; see that you don’t have good skin, or your nose is crooked, then you will never be content with your appearance and you won't be able to find the true you and that special feature that you possess. You need to focus on your good points and make an effort to bring out the best of who and what you are. Remember, everyone is unique and you are definitely unique too.

3. Reward yourself – you deserve it!Pamper yourself, eat well and take good care of yourself. Good health is essential to further enhance your inner beauty. Looking pale and unhealthy that comes from bad eating habits and not spending enough time exercising will not benefit you. Remember that eating healthy does not include starving yourself. If you decide to lose weight, do it for yourself - in order to stay healthy. Don’t succumb to the pressures of society; that being beautiful means being paper-thin.

Pamper your self from time to time as a reward for all of the hard work that you do. By following these tips, you are on your way to be truly beautiful - both inside and out!

About the Author:

Nizzura; lecturer with a prominent university in Australia. Click here for more free informations, tips and resources on Relationship Advices and Beauty Tips

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/women's-issues-articles/top-3-tips-to-be-beautiful-inside-out-207643.html

Author: Nizzura Azura

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