Senin, 02 Maret 2009

5 Ways to Always Look Your Best - On the Go!

By Alysia P

We all have those days where we just don't care how we look or what anyone has to say about it. Those days where you don't even mind leaving the house in sweats, hair undone - looking a mess. We have all been there, so there is no shame in admitting it!

Yet, have you ever been caught looking thoroughly unpolished in public, by a friend you haven't seen in ages? All of a sudden, that "I don't give a ----" attitude goes out the window and all kinds of shame kick in. That kind of embarrassment is a horrible feeling! Wait... here is the holy grail of embarrassment...

You're in Publix browsing the ice cream aisle in your pajamas (or what might as well be pajamas... yes, Vickie's PINK counts as pajamas), when all of a sudden you see a great-looking guy, who is impeccably dressed. You want to flirt, but all of a sudden realize you appear to be a bum.

Basically, some opportunities only knock once, so don't be caught unprepared to answer the door!

You might be in college with an amazing internship, but face the facts - if you look like a bum, people will perceive you as such, regardless. It's human nature to make an assessment of people you meet based on your first impression, which includes how people are dressed.

It's hard to look your best 24/7. Lord knows I went on a late-night run to Burger King the other day in my pajamas. Did I care at the time? No. But I was definitely ashamed. I was praying my car wouldn't break down, etc. so I wouldn't have to be seen by a soul. It was not a good feeling. I vowed after that to make sure I never feel that way again.

Here are 5 ways to always look your best on the go. Even if you might not have time to primp and preen, that is no excuse to not look presentable.

1. Always Have an Beauty 911 Kit: Every woman should have these things in her purse/bag at all times. Get a little, cute makeup bag to keep everything organized and portable. Make sure you have extras of your products specifically for this kit.

-Lip gloss or balm (one or two... or several in my case...)
-Blush or bronzer
-Body spray or a perfume sample
-Breath mints or gum
-Oil blotting sheets
-This way, even if you leave your house in a rush, you can quickly fix yourself up on the way to your destination (never while driving though)!

2. Plan your outfits in advance: If you plan your daily outfits from at least the night before, accessories and all, you reap several benefits. You can afford to hit the snooze button one more time. Also, you have the added confidence that comes with knowing you are well put together. Life is too short to spend time worrying about why you didn't put more effort into your appearance, especially when something as simple as planning ahead can save you that stress.

3. Buy cute "bum-wear": To avoid potential embarrassing situations, purchase cute yet comfortable lounge wear. You can buy a nice sweatsuit or "comfy" jeans and some nice hoodies so that even if you don't feel like being dressed to the nines to go to the store, you will always look presentable. Note: Say peace out to your ratty high school P.E. uniform. It is NOT okay to wear that in the streets!

4. Stand up straight: Listen to what Grandma told you. Even if you were to wear the ratty, 7 year old P.E. uniform, if you were standing up straight you might look like you were trying to rock a new style. Confidence makes anything look good. Yet, it's hard to be confident when you know you are not presenting yourself to the world as the fabulous chica that you are. I have posture issues because of my scoliosis, but I try to make a constant effort to keep my shoulders back. It has to be a conscious decision to do this.

5. Try to keep a positive attitude: A smile does a lot for one's appearance. Now, I know that nobody is happy at all times. It's impossible. Sometimes mustering up a tiny smile can seem the most gargantuan of tasks. I'm not saying that you should be fake either, but trying your best to accentuate the positive in your life goes a long way. You will feel better and others will feel better about being in your presence. Also, it's free! As India Arie so wisely sung, "It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh." Hell, even that notion should make you smile with gas prices as high as they are!

Follow these 5 principles and you are guaranteed to feel better about yourself at all times. Again, life is too short to worry about not looking your best!

Alysia is the founder and editor of Truly Beautiful (, a resource to empower young women to discover their true beauty - inside & out. Truly Beautiful features unique and exclusive articles about beauty products, makeup, fashion trends, celebrities, self improvement, confidence, health and more! If you are a multi-faceted, modern woman, will quickly become your new favorite Web site!

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