Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Make Your Life Magical - Not Work

By Dr. Iris Fanning Platinum Quality Author

How often have you wanted to upgrade a certain area of your life, only to find it too much "work"? Most people set personal and professional goals, and then are stunted in their achievement of those goals.

Let's look at some ways to make things easier, in the flow and more magical.

1) DECIDE what you want. You can't get what you really want if you don't know what you want. This sounds simple, but when I ask clients, they're often vague saying things like: "I want to have better relationships, I want more interesting work." This simply is not compelling or clear enough to move you forward.

2) ASK for what you want. This may be literal, like asking for a raise, more time with your spouse, or to be treated with respect. However, it's also spiritual. State what you want in the affirmative. No pleading, whining, or sense of not deserving. Let's say you want to earn $70,000 a year or more. You would write and say a statement like: I am so joyful and grateful that I easily receive $70,000 or more a year in salary, happy gifts and welcome suprises!

An additional idea for asking is to write what Noah St. John & Denise Berard call Afformations. In their Book of Afformations, they explain that the brain is a question answering, solution seeking "machine." So, simply asking afformitive questions brings positive answers and results. Here are a few samples: "Why do I enjoy the huge benefits I bring to others through my wild abundance? Why is it so easy to talk about money to my spouse? Why has God given me the power to obtain great wealth? Why is money such a wonderful gift to me? Why does money come to me so easily?"

3) BELIEVE that what you want is on the way. If you've ever planted anything, you know that you simply water, give sunlight and wait. You believe that the seeds you planted will become a flower, plant, vegetable or fruit. It can take days or weeks before the first sprout. The time frame didn't stop you from believing it would happen. The same is true for getting what you want.

4) FEEL the feelings. Again, it is essential that while you envision what you want, you feel joy, gratitude, excitement, love, peace, passion.

5) DO! As you get guidance, opportunity and insight, do what you know to do . Enjoy the process.

6) RECEIVE! This is part of the process. Receive what you wanted. It often turns out better then what you wanted. Give thanks, put some of what you received back into the flow and start again!

NOW let's play with these magical steps. Take a look at the playtime renewal below.

Summertime - Playtime with Renewal!Take a look at the areas listed below. See which statements are true for you and the statements you'd like to be true for you. Now use the magical steps you just learned in the information above and apply the steps to what you want. Please be sure you write me with your results!

1) BODY -

* My is beautiful and exactly how I want it.

* My skin is beautiful.

* My teeth look great.

* My posture is great.

* I look and feel at least 10 years younger than my age.

* I eat healthy food and exercise regularly.


* I see beauty in everything.
* I am well connected to spirit, which is my energy source.
* I feel overwhelmingly grateful.
* I have strong intuition and follow my intuition.
* I have a sense of God's presence around and through me.

* Each of my friends love me and are unconditionally positive with me.
* I ask for what I want and need.
* My heart feels joyous, loving & at peace.
* I protect myself from energy vampires and nasty, negative people.
* I am lighthearted and enjoyable to be with.

* I am on the top of my "to do" list.
* I keep a pace that is comfortable for me.
* I enjoy my own company.
* I eat well & exercise regularly.
* I've looked at other areas of self care and added those enriching things into my life.

* I love being in my home.
* My home nourishes me.
* I have beauty inside and outside my home.
* I feel good welcoming others into my home.
* I feel safe, secure and happy in my home.

* I enjoy my partner, we are happy, kind and supportive of one another.
* My children are well balanced, socially skilled, compassionate individuals who take responsibility for their actions at an age appropriate level.
* I love being with my family.
* I have worked through issues from my family of origin and forgiven the past.
* I live in the present moments with my family.

* I love my work.
* My work is fulfilling, creative and enjoyable.
* I am amazingly well trained, highly competent and productive in my work.
* I am well regarded in my field.
* I enjoy my workspace.

* I have $100,000 in savings or liquid investments.
* I have insurance to take care of my health, loved ones & the things I own.
* My net income is increasing annually.
* I am taking advantage of the 8th wonder of world...i.e. compounding interest on sound investments.
* I have a sound financial plan for retirement.

Copyright 2007, Iris Fanning. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way and give author name credit.

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