Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Find Out Why Inside Track Were Always Destined to Go Bust!

The UK property education company, Inside Track has gone bust. This news came as no surprise to the seasoned property veteran, but many budding property investors where taken aback by the announcement.

For many years the Inside Track property company had been the most vocal of the property education companies. Its advertisements and free seminars led even some of the most conservative people, to part with thousands of pounds of their hard earned money. These people where desperate to grab the dream of becoming a property millionaire.

A few years ago they where riding high with millions of pounds in profits. They blame their rapid downfall on the credit crunch and how it has adversely affected their position to get the types of mortgages that make buying properties financially viable.

The truth is that inside track where always overexposed and vulnerable to any downturn in the property market.

One of the problems with Inside Track has always been that their philosophy never seriously took into account potential changes in the property market. They emerged onto the scene at a time when property prices where increasing dramatically.

At the time, their approach of buying as many off plan properties as you can, with a small deposit for each, then waiting for the expected price rises at completion, then pulling out huge sums of money to re-invest or do what ever you liked with, worked well. However, the problem was always that their property investing strategy was inherently built on a notion that the price of the off plan properties were ALWAYS going to be significantly higher at completion than they were when the deposit was put down on the properties, several months earlier.

The other problem they began to face is that as time went by, the increasing amount of investment companies that popped up promising similar things to them, meant that off plan developments where becoming over saturated with investors. As more and more investors competed with each other for less and less buyers and tenants this brought the prices of resell and rentals for the properties right down,

Inside Track realised early on that people where prepared to pay thousands of pounds to them, for the promise of becoming property millionaires. The beauty for Inside Track was that they could convince people to part with large amounts of money, without actually having to give them any cast iron promises as to the returns they will make.

It was simple for inside track to blame the property markets ups and downs, or the financial market, if investments didn't go according to plan.

While Jim Moore, the founder of Inside Track, made millions of pounds, the everyday people that where buying into the Inside Track hype lost their life savings, their homes and in some cases their marriages and families because they chose to follow the Inside Track dream.

Inside Track would have realised a long time ago that their way of investing wasn't as profitable for investors as it was in their hay day. The queue of serious complaints and lawsuits being filed against them, continued to grow at an alarming rate. Then BANG! The credit crunch hits and very quickly it becomes all too apparent that the wisest thing for them to do financially was to fold now, before things got even worse.

Experienced investors have for years, warned against the perils of investing with Inside Track. Yet, because of their huge media presence and the slick sales talk at their seminars, average people on the street, were being seduced daily, into trusting that just by parting with a few thousand pounds today, they can be the next property millionaires of tomorrow.

Learning the skills of effective property investing can be one of the most attainable ways; ordinary people can amass great wealth. However, it can also be the easiest way to make yourself bankrupt very quickly.

What people where paying Inside Track for was available for free online, there was nothing ground breaking in what they were teaching. If you want to learn how to make money from property, you don't need to pay thousands of pounds for the privilege; you just need to make a concerted effort to do whatever it takes to get the right property education, no matter what your budget.

Don't waste your money chasing profitless property deals. Carlton Johnson is a well respected author and webmaster specialising in helping investors make money in any type of property market. To learn more and to claim your free book titled "The Five Rules of Property Success" visit http://www.investment-property-guru.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carlton_Johnson

By Carlton Johnson Platinum Quality Author

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