Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Holistic SkinCare - Beauty on the Outside Begins Inside

Holistic skincare is a rare approach to beauty. Finding 100% pure skincare products is next to impossible.The major cosmetic companies care little about purity and nothing about the body's whole health. They mostly care about their bottom lines.

But, you have more choices than you did at one time. There are new companies entering the scene and some of them have the right idea. They know how to care for the skin and its health.

Nutritional Factors

100% pure skincare creams and lotions are only one part of the picture. If you truly want holistic skincare, there are a number of other factors to consider. Nutrition is a big one.

A diet that consists primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with fish and seafood, will not only improve the way that you look, but also the way that you feel. This is a high energy diet. It provides all of your necessary nutrients, without a lot of added fat.

Our society tends to eat too many processed foods and our skin pays the price. Blemishes, pimples, dark circles and the like are caused, at least in part, by too many toxins and too much animal fat in the foods that we eat. So, give fresh foods, along with purified water, a try for a while and see how much your complexion improves.

Environmental Factors

To continue with your holistic skincare program, you must consider a few environmental factors. Smoke and the sun play a major role in aging the skin. Some of your health and beauty aids can cause problems, too.

100% pure skincare solutions would contain no artificial preservatives, fragrances or colors. They would not contain toxins are hazardous chemicals. But, most hair and skin care products contain large amounts of all of these things. They also contribute to skin problems.

Free Radicals & Antioxidants

Although we haven't always known it, holistic skincare has always been about fighting free radical damage. The environmental and nutritional factors mentioned above revolve around free radical damage and countering antioxidants.

In my opinion, 100% pure skincare creams should contain antioxidants that we can apply directly to our skin. See resource box. At least one company agrees with me.

A Complete Product

The epidermis has no blood vessels and most get it's nourishment from the next layer down. But we can also "feed" our faces, with the right cream. For holistic skincare, a complete product should contain coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and B5. Essential fatty acids from sources like grape seed oil. Vitamin A from plant sources like kelp and the Shea nut.

If you don't give your skin everything that it needs, in the way of nourishment, you'll look older, sooner. Remember to protect yourself from the sun, when you are outside for extended periods of time, but don't use the common sunscreens. They are mostly ineffective and some of them can be deadly. Zinc oxide broad spectrum sun block is the best choice.

There's much more that I could tell you about new ideas and 100% pure skincare

products, but that should be enough to get you started in the right direction.

To summarize: I strongly recommend the holistic skincare method. It simply means to eat properly, drink purified water, take a good vitamin/mineral supplement and use safe skin care products. (Stay out of big stores). I found one company in all my searching that has a superior supplement line and an excellent skin care line.

"Beauty on the outside begins on the inside"--Margaret Bell

Margaret Bell is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of skin care systems. Visit her site at: http://www.aHealthyRadiantSkin.com to discover which skin care line Margaret recommends and uses after extensive comparisons. Be sure to sign up for her free Health newsletter for new updated skin care information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Margaret_Bell

By Margaret Bell Platinum Quality Author

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