Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Living Big in Love and Work - Do What Deliberate Creators Do

The Law of Attraction is at work in my life. Today I have a clean desk. I desperately needed a professional organizer to help me out in my office. When I discovered that there was not one living in my town, or on my island I kept steady in my pursuit. I did not let the absence of what I was looking for stop me. Instead I wrote down this thought:

“The perfect solution to my office organization problem is showing up.”

I am happy to report- it did! Her name is Kim and she moved here two weeks ago. Secretly I think I might have imported her for the fulfillment of my need to have paper chaos turn into creative bundles that are easy to find and therefore usable.

I love writing my thoughts down and watching them come to life around me.

About six years ago I wrote a full descriptive paragraph in my journal about the home I am now living in. I wrote details of the rooms and the view – and although I did not know how I would find it, I knew, that I would. The moment I walked in the front door I knew this was the home I would live in. It happened exactly the way I had recorded it.

The details were important. They awakened a feeling of peace and beauty inside of me. The experience I wanted in my home was first alive inside before it showed up in my outer world. I know it takes a bit more time to take your visions to their fullest potential inside your own mind. Trust me, it is worth the extra effort.

There are three important Arenas of Personal Skill Building that help you to deliberately apply Three Universal Laws in your life.

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION~What You Focus Your Energy Upon Is Attracted To You.

THE LAW OF APPRECIATION~What You Appreciate and Are Grateful For Becomes More- Expands and Grows.

THE LAW OF CONNECTION~When You Connect with The Experience of Fulfillment of Your Hopes They Manifest
Bring these Universal Laws together when you cultivate THE MAGIC THREE:
Applied Spiritual Principles


Relationship Communication Skills


Solid Business Tools

The Magic Three expand your perspective and energize every aspect of your life. They help you to live at a much higher level than ever before. You join the ranks of others who are practicing Deliberate Creation on the planet today. Take time to develop these skills and you will Live Big in Love and in Work.

Resource: Peri is an Adult Educator, Mentor and Founder of The Turnaround – A Curriculum for a Fulfilled Lifestyle. On her website you will find her 30 Day Set Your Compass Process ~ a free report for you. You can also listen to a free pre-recorded Tele-Class right now. The Turnaround Now! Six Essential Steps to move from Victim to Self-Empowerment at: http://www.theturnaroundnow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peri_Coeurtney_Enkin

By Peri Coeurtney Enkin Platinum Quality Author

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