Senin, 30 Maret 2009

The Fresh Natural Look And Beauty From Within

Strive to appear as if you did not actually put on makeup. The common terms for this look is minimalist, nude, sheer, natural. All of these terms mean "less is more". Looking natural is the look of today.

The way to achieve an all-natural look is by using "invisible" makeup products.

The lifestyles of today are casual and easy-going. It is inappropriate to have a "made-up" look. The beauty products available today create a fresh, natural look if used properly.

The goal is to appear as if you are wearing no makeup. Actually you are wearing the sheerest shades and tints of beauty products. Such a look can be achieved by using a sheer foundation that matches the skin tone. If you apply a lighter or darker shade of foundation than the true color of your skin you will create an unnatural appearance.

Apply a pale shade of lipstick to give you that fresh, dewy look.

Below are some beauty products that will give you that fresh natural look:

1. Non-foundation - Foundations that give you a "nude" color will create the illusion of not wearing make-up.

2. Light-tinted moisturizers - These moisturizers hydrate your skin. You can wear these light-tinted moisturizers under your make-up to add to your fresh natural look.

Look for brands that protect the skin. Moisturizers can be put under your make up and the sheer color will perfect the color of your skin giving you a blemish-free look.

3. Lip gloss or nude lipstick - for the natural look; use a product that will give sheen to your lips.

4. Invisible makeup products - there are eye shadows, lip tints, light eyebrow pencils, blushes and a host of other beauty products that will give you that fresh, just "out-of-bed" look.

By using the proper application you can have the natural, minimalist look that will show off the real you.

The woman of today wants to be accepted for who and what she is. By achieving a fresh natural look, you can show off the real you to the world - a woman who is not afraid to be her self and wants to be liked for what she is beneath the covering of minimal make-up products.

Stay beautiful inside and out! Even though we live in a world where companies make millions of dollars in the beauty industry, it helps to know that you do not need to spend a lot of money on products or artificial enhancements to really be beautiful.

When you strive for a positive attitude, a sound mind and body, and a positive well-being you will glow from within. Here are some tips on how you can be beautiful from the inside to the outside:

1. Know who you are and be comfortable with yourself. If you are comfortable with yourself, you know exactly who you are and you have a positive outlook in life.

2. Strive for an inner confidence and embrace your uniqueness.

Beauty is a matter of perception. There are people who do not have angelic features or a perfect profile but once you look at them, they have an aura and air that you just cannot put a finger on. This vitality comes from within. Focus on your good points. Make an effort bring out the best of whom and what you are.

3. Pamper yourself, eat well take care of yourself. If you have good overall health you further enhance your inner beauty.

If you decide to lose weight, do it for yourself - in order to stay healthy. Don't succumb to the pressures of society; that being beautiful means being paper-thin.

If you are tied to a desk from 9 to 5, spend some time out in the sun during weekends and jog or play a physical game with friends. This will not just give you a break from work but also lift your sprits. Pamper your self from time to time as a reward for all of the hard work that you do.

By following these tips, you are well on your way to being truly beautiful - both inside and out.

This article is FREE to publish with resource box.

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Please visit us at: we are a self improvement article and resource directory. Feel free to send us your self improvement articles.

Article Source:'s-issues-articles/the-fresh-natural-look-and-beauty-from-within-136284.html

Author: Connie Limon

How to be a Beauty Consultant

Many women stand in front of their wardrobes and think about what mood they are in? Do they have the confidence to wear that red shirt today? How about that black understated top? Women often wonder which colours bring out their best qualities.

You’ve probably seen image consultants on TV transform the looks of people who struggle when it comes to dressing themselves suitably. You’ve seen the positive impact that a new image can have on people. And you’ve seen that there is a demand for image consultants that can make a person’s outer body reflect their beauty inside.

Good or bad, society these days focuses heavily on appearance. So many people get left behind because they have little or no idea of what they should wear. And when they continually struggle to dress right, they give up and don’t care anymore, resulting in knock backs and damaged self-confidence.

That’s why they need help from lucky people like you who have a natural flair for colours, shape, and most importantly fashion. You can transform them from a blur in the background to a walking masterpiece.

Do I have what it takes to become an image consultant?

Are you prepared to work through the good times as well as the bad times to help your clients improve their image? It won’t be as easy as taking a quick trip into the local department store and abracadabra a new person is born. Instead you’ll often have to work hard to build your clients’ confidence and self-worth.

Stay positive though… Remember, you’ll be going shopping for a living! You’ll have your finger on the pulse when it comes to new fashions and trends. And you’ll know that you’ve helped your clients work towards the lifestyle and image that they’ve always wanted.

There is a demand

There are so many different reasons why potential clients might need an image consultant.

1. They could want to have a more professional image because they’ve got a new job.

2. Alternatively, they could be going for an interview and need some style advice to help them progress in their career.

3. They might want to find a partner, and don’t have enough confidence in their appearance to approach the person of their dreams.

4. Their friends might be constantly telling them to make more effort, but they just don’t know what suits them.

5. They might be stuck in the past and unable to dress their age.

The first meeting

One of the first steps is to get potential clients to approach you, whether it be over the Internet or at Beauty exhibitions, it is important to live by example. Your image needs to be perfect. It is essential to make your potential clients feel welcome and comfortable in your presence. Firstly, before any conversations can happen why not show them your business card, tell the client a little bit about yourself and have your certificates on show.

Firstly, your environment needs to represent a blank canvas; the lighting in a room must represent natural sunlight. Have a big mirror in the room so that your client can see the full length of their body.

Offer the client a drink and perhaps some snacks to create a friendly and informal atmosphere. Then explain how the session has been arranged, how long it is for and how much it will cost.

Once the formalities are out of the way, begin your consultation. Your end result is that the client will go away feeling confident and happy in what they have advised, encourage a follow up session to see how they have got on and if any further advice is needed.

Improve your Sales, Business Cards, Leaflets

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The Business Cards Company

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Author: CME

Fitness and Beauty - 6 Points To Make You Feel A Lot Proud!

There’s a lot a guy might do like walking or jogging during the dawn, playing basketball or some other sports with friends but when a guy wants to look lean and have muscles, the very best thing one can do should be to join and exercising in a gymnasium.

Just like having medicine, one must first consult a physician before undergoing any kind of work out.

Physical work out is beneficial because it helps to maintain and enhance one’s health from a flock of disorders and premature deaths. It also makes an individual feel happy and enhances one’s self prestige preventing from falling into anxiety or depression. Also, it has shown to make an individual with an active life style to live longer than one who does not.

The best work out plan should include cardiovascular and heavy weight training workouts. This helps in burning calories and increases the muscles to fat ratio that will enhance ones metabolism rate and make one to lose or gain weight.

A guy who has not at all exercised before should do it slowly. Doing too much exercise for the very first time might make a guy pull a muscle or possess an injury making it very worse. Endurance won’t be constructed in a single day and doing it again and again would surely be useful to the individual.

Focusing on certain section in the body might help it to improve. A very good example is going to the gymnasium and performing an exercise more often in a particular area like the abs can get one and chest pack.

However, beauty isn’t only about having muscle power what people can witness. It’s also about improving the beauty inside.

Here are certain things one might do every day to be healthy and beautiful;

• Studying books and other materials often keeps our mind sharp just as exercising keeps our body in a good posture.

• Work no matter what kind of stress is produced. One might lower this by taking time out for doing something quite special like being inside a hot tub, watching a movie or shopping . Studies have taught it is reliever and it helps one from looking haggard.

• Pollution is something which people can’t control given the problem’s size. When someone goes out, it’s best to have some form of protection like beauty products which contains antioxidants which protects skin from any damage. There are many other beauty products which are available and selecting the correct one with the help of a dermatologist might help the individual.

• The other way to be healthy is to by giving up some vices. Many people smoke & drink. Smoking has proven to be a causative of lung cancer and many other diseases as well as many complications for women giving birth to children. Excessive drinking does the same.

• People who won’t smoke, it ‘s best to be away from people who do as studies have revealed that non-smokers are also at a risk of having cancer because of secondary inhalation of smoke.

• Lastly, it’s best to always begin the day with a positive outlook. As studies have revealed that workout makes an individual feel happy, smiling produces a similar effect. A smile might do many things and it’s contagious in a very positive sense. It lightens the day of not only a person but others too.

About the Author:

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Fitness Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 111 Pages Ebook, "Complete Body Fitness" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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Author: Abhishek Agarwal

When Finding your Inner Beauty You

Beauty and Skin: When beauty is skin deep!

One of the most important mineral of all time is water, and drinking lots of water hydrates the hair and skin, leaving your hair and skin looking shiny and supple. When drinking water, your skin looks flawless and your hair looks healthier and longer because of the nutrients that water has.

However, taking good care of your skin is very important and there are many different products to choose from that leaves your hair and skin looking natural and these products are:

-Neutrogena: Leaves your hair and skin healthy

-Dove: Great for eczema and other skin conditions and makes your skin soft.

-Clearasil: Clears your skin while fighting acne.

-Proactive Solution: Gets rid of acne and pimples to prevent future break outs.

Although, eating right and getting plenty of rest is one way to looking and feeling alive and one of the keys to looking great, is feeling great. Before anything, you must research beauty's influence.

When using Make-up: Clinique, Sephora, and Mac are great make-up products to choose from. With hair: When you decide to dye your hair, you should use hair colors such as highlights because it goes great with a particular color of make-up on your face tone that will go great with everything. Skin doctor: When you need a good doctor that is right for you such as a good dermatologist and you should look to the products by Dr. Denese skincare which she has a hydro shield hydrating serum that makes your skin have that natural melanin and with her hydrating treatment powder, you're bound to have great results. Although, beauty is skin deep. However, some women love the way they look, and some don't. Some prepare themselves for facial cosmetic surgery and use alternatives such as botox injections and laser resurfacing techniques with results you can realistically expect! Beauty is an artful way of looking at yourself and understanding that will make you feel a little cleaner and neater whereas, your personality should always come through. Sleep is one beauty secret and it's amazing what a few hours nights of rest could do for your face. You should exercise and drink plenty of water because that type of treatment will help you look beautiful inside and out, of course you'll need to look great as well and there really is something for everyone who's looking to beautify themselves to the fullest.

Note: your skin should be your first priority and many people agree that beauty is skin deep and is still vital that you put a good dose of attention to your skin and to ensure that it is protected no matter what because, it is by far the most conspicuous organ of the body aside from being the largest. Most men might go crazy over a woman who has all the qualities such as natural beauty and it's the best thing where the woman looks beautiful even when they first wake up in the morning, on top of beauty comes personality and personality is a major plus! You can't be beautiful with a bad attitude because that only means that you're really ugly inside and out. Having beautiful nails, hair, body, mind, and soul is very important to the man.

With skincare products: Some women love using Shea butter, Cocoa butter and some women prefer lip gloss and vaseline over lipstick on their lips depending on what kind and some don't like suave lotion for their skin and when shaving, most women love skintimates for shaving. With fragrances: Some enjoy Black Vanilla fragrance from Old Navy, Sally Hansen for nails is great and they say that St. Ives is good for the face and it smells great.

With deodorants: Secret goes with body temperatures along with Degree for women and a throwback of Lady Speedstick deodorant. However, my views on beauty and beauty products is that I like Sephora Make-up and Mac products because it transforms my face and features into a star and I feel like a million bucks.

Although, women with skin of color tend to change throughout the year. But most importantly, hardly anyone has just one skin type. When cleansing the skin: You should find the right cleanser if your skin is oily, even after the fact of cleansing. For sensitive skin, you should go for a thin cleansing lotion that is hypoallergenic, allergy tested and fragrance free. Moisturizers such as olive oil, shea butter, avocado oil, honey and milk. There are such things as skin soothes such as aloe vera, lavendear, chamomile, and green tea. The oil fighters are tea tree oil, citrus and rosemary.

When you do make-up: you should have it done right to a point where there are no break outs and you should never use cheap products when dealing with your face, especially cheap make-up brushes. It can also change your entire persona in seconds and using the right make-up tools are essential.

These are tools you need to use when doing make-up:

-Powder brush -Wedge brush -Liner brush

-Blush brush -Smudge brush -Tip brush

-Foundation brush -Brow brush

But even though beauty is skin deep, you must take your skin serious because don't you notice that the first thing that people see is your face. Your face is usually the center of attention and with beauty comes confidence, and pampering yourself should be something that you should enjoy doing no matter what! And last, but not least, always look nice and presentable!

Beauty and Skin: Is beauty really skin deep or is it something that you're born with!

About the Author:

Newly published author, a new writer of urban fiction and tales. My first book will be out this summer of 2008.

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Author: nadia cherubin

Sexy Apparels to Make you Feel Beautiful Inside Out

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Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Miami Beach Offers Beauty Inside and Out

If you’ve decided that the endless sunshine and scenic beauty of Miami are simply too much to ignore any longer, then take your adventure one step further by heading to beautiful Miami Beach just off the coast. Located on a barrier island to the east of mainland Miami, Miami Beach and trendy South Beach are waiting to offer you a beach vacation with more waterfront excitement than you could possibly imagine.

Most popularly known for its Art Deco Historic District and its lovely beaches, Miami Beach is more than just a place to work on your tan and soak in some stunning architecture. In the popular South Beach area, shopping takes center stage with everything from common clothing chains and unique boutiques, where you can pick up some clothes no else can copy, to art galleries and jewelry stores for those who cannot fit anymore outfits into their overstuffed closets. While there are four main shopping areas where you can pick up a few goodies, the one to definitely peruse is the Collins Avenue/Washington Avenue for its extensive offering of designer duds and one-of-a-kind boutiques.

After strutting your stuff on the catwalks, or streets, of South Beach and selecting a couple of great new outfits, then you are definitely ready to take on the oh so chic nightclubs and party like a celebrity. Miami Beach clubs are known for being celebrity hotspots, meaning they can be difficult to get in, but if you dress appropriately and bring plenty of cash the night should go smoothly. While most tourists flock to Ocean Drive even though there aren’t many clubs, Washington Avenue is definitely the place to go for a memorable evening in its many bars and clubs.

Since many of the clubs in Miami Beach stay open until 5 a.m., it can be difficult to rouse yourself out of bed and get your body moving towards something more productive after a long night. However, there is a remedy for your sleepy state and the answer lies in the warm air, sunny skies, and soft sandy beaches of Miami Beach. Stretching for more than 12 miles along Collins Avenue, sparkling white sand and blue-green waters are waiting to clear the fog from your eyes and entertain you with an afternoon of sunbathing, swimming, and just about any other water-filled pursuit you can imagine.

With such a long expanse along the Atlantic Ocean and most of it open to the public, it can be difficult to select the perfect sunning spot for your time on the island. As a general rule, if you want to avoid the crowds and all of the people-watching, head further north along Miami Beach. But if you enjoy the atmosphere of a bustling beach, South Beach is definitely the place to go for pretty people and perfect tans. There are also sidewalk cafes along the beach to offer you refreshment should you need a break from the sweltering Miami sun.

No Miami Beach vacation is complete without a stroll through the Art Deco District, so pull yourself away from the glitz and glamour of the beach for at least one afternoon and take a stroll past the largest collection of Art Deco architecture in the world. Built between 1923 and 1943, there are hundreds of apartments, hotels, and other structures that represent Art Deco, Streamline Moderne, and Mediterranean styles. The Art Deco District Welcome Center in South Beach offers great walking tours to ensure you catch all the sights, while Lummus Park is perfect for viewing the antique neon signs on Ocean Drive at night.

Miami Beach complements its lovely beach surroundings with a swanky environment that is sure to stand out in your mind as one of the most original vacation spots in the country. The shopping, dancing, and endless sunbathing are bound to leave you more relaxed than ever before, so why not add convenience to your getaway by staying in a Miami Beach rental. An utterly distinct option that flows with your unique setting, Miami Beach FL vacation rentals are sprinkled throughout the island so you can stay close to your favorite attractions without giving up any of the comforts of home. Leave behind the ordinary every step of the way, and realize the Florida getaway you always wanted in a vacation home rental.

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Author: Jen W.

Lymphatic Massage For Beauty Inside As Well as Out!

When a family member of mine was diagnosed with lymphoma, a large marble sized rock hard lump in the neck, it was such a shock! The difficult part after that was trying to figure out the best course of action. We have always leaned towards natural remedies and we were thankfully steered towards a naturopath that did lymphatic massage, ionic foot baths and pure vitamins, minerals and herbs.

Here is what I learned about the lymphatic system:

The lymphatic system is closely related to the circulatory system. You could consider that you have red blood and white blood, the white being the lymphatic system. It works like this;

Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of the body. The blood picks up impurities as well. These impurities must go somewhere. This is where the lymphatic system comes in. These impurities, such as, proteins, viruses, bacteria, cancer cells etc., get absorbed into the plasma, (the white blood I mentioned earlier, which is the lymphatic liquid) and are filter by the lymph nodes throughout the body. The job of the lymphatic system is to safely eliminate these impurities.

If the lymphatic system gets damaged or blocked then your immune system cannot function at its optimum. As an example, a free flowing river moves unobstructed and reaches the desired destination, but if you have obstruction and the water pools and is slow moving picking up more and more debris, it may or may not get to where it needs to go and gets more and more clogged. Your lymphatic system can get this way if you do not take care of it.

There are things you can do to prevent or unclog blocked lymph nodes. You can go to a licensed massage therapist that is trained in lymph massage. *Note, lymphatic system is very close to the surface of the skin so massage is a very light pressure, almost no indentation under the skin. Too much pressure can damage the lymph system. Proper massage can increase circulation and increase blood flow and oxygen to the body increasing the bodies own defenses.

Lymphatic massage machines can penetrate under the skin, and oxygenate the system, increasing circulation, unclog blockages, help to regenerate cells and assist in smoothing out skin from wrinkles and blemishes. For a body to be in balance the lymphatic system must flow freely.

When my family member received lymph massage it was incredible. As soon as the massager was placed around the infected area, she would immediately start to drain. Her eyes would water and her nose would run and you could hear gurgling sounds in her neck. Eventually the large blockage was gone and she has had a clean bill of health now for the past 4 years.

I also saw before and after pictures of a women who had lymphedema (severe swelling in her legs). Lymph massage treatments cleared the obstruction and all the swelling in her legs went down over time to almost normal. The before and after pictures were incredible! I would have loved to meet this women but she was done long before we arrived for treatment. I still think about her sometimes.

I know lymphatic massage works because I have seen it with my own eyes. Also, a wonderful byproduct of using a lymph massage is that it can help clear up the complexion because it thoroughly oxygenates the skin and is used in salons and day spas around the county.

Whether you need assistance with a sluggish lymphatic system or you want to improve a skin condition, consider lymphatic massage.

Beauty is best if it is both inside and out!

About the Author:
Willie is a researcher and freelance writer whose own health problems prompted her to gain information on health and wellness and share that knowledge with others. She is co-owner of a site that focuses on detox through foot baths and lymphatic">">lymphatic massager.

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Author: Willie Jones

Your Beautiful Inside-now Lets Work on the Outside or Did your Mom Ever Show You?

Honestly answer this question. Are you Happy when you look in the mirror or are you just satisfied or even worse are you disappointed with the way you look. Join the crowd if you are not Happy with the way you look, and you know what -it takes a toll on the way you carry yourself. Many people find themselves in this all too unpopular situation. We don't eat right, we don't exercise, we need those Jenny Jones makeovers but she's not around anymore. Now What? Oh my Beautiful Sleeping Beauty instead of closing your eyes open them and enter into a realm of your future key to beauty secrets and tips that transform the present ugly duckling into the not so distant future princess.

We are constantly battered with the pretty faces and hot bodies of our modern day society. The beautiful stars and top models that pop up every second on television and print ads. We look at them and wish we could be as attractive. We look in the mirror and we notice the blemishes, the stretch marks, the bad hair life, the breast that need work, the smile we rather cover with our hand, and the list goes on and on. We see this everyday and then go out in the world with this in our heart and soul. We don't interact with people the way we would if we felt Happy with our selves. Our social interactions are limited and our quest for true love is hindered. We all want that quest for true love fulfilled, heck that is one of the reasons of the Meaning of Life.

You start off by saying My name is ........ and I am not Happy with the way I look and I need help so that I can enjoy my life fully as I am supposed to do.

Then you take the necessary steps. You figure where you want to start. Start with setting goals and accomplishing them. Don't quit-never never quit-always know you never see a Rose growing to its beauty because the growth is slow and subtle but the growth is definitely there and the beauty comes.

There are many ways we can overcome genetics and many ways we can use our modern day information and products to give us the beauty and attractiveness we desire so much. Don't go for 15 minutes of fame-take it all everyday. When we know we look good we become more secure and when we become more secure the world is in our hands to do do as we will. Live life to the fullest.

For advice, tips, products, little known ways to accomplish these things visit my website ModelSexy and start down the road to looking in a mirror and Loving what you see.

About the Author:

Don Cole


Article Source:'s-health-articles/your-beautiful-insidenow-lets-work-on-the-outside-or-did-your-mom-ever-show-you-277998.html

Author: DON COLE F

Stay Healthy Outside and Inside

Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out.

There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym.

Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death. It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesnt.

The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight.

A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.

Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the gym and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack.

But beauty is not only about having muscles which is what people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within.

Here are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy;

Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape.

Work no matter what kind it is produces stress. One can reduce this by taking the time out to do something special like lying in a hot tub, shopping or watching a movie. Studies have shown it is reliever and helps one from looking haggardly.

Pollution is something people cannot control given the size of the problem. When one goes out, it is best to put some form of protection such as beauty products that contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. There are also other beauty products available and choosing the right one with the help of a dermatologist can help the person.

Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same.

For people who dont smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.

Lastly, it is best to always start the day with a positive outlook. Just as studies have shown that exercise makes a person feel happier, smiling produces the same effect. A smile can do a lot and it is contagious in a positive sense. It brightens the day of not only one but others as well.

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If you want to learn more about Beauty, Health and Fitness vist us today

You will find everything you need to know about weight lose, acne, skin care, cellulite, hair loss and much more.

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Author: Beauty, Health And Fitness

Top 3 Tips to be Beautiful Inside & Out!

Do we really need to spend a great amount of money (and time) on products or artificial enhancements to make ourselves beautiful?In today's world where companies make millions of dollars in the beauty industry, it really helps to know that you do not need to spend a great amount of money on products or artificial enhancements to really be beautiful.

A positive attitude, a sound mind and body, and a positive well-being are the top three assets that will help you glow from within. Here are the top 3 tips on how you can be beautiful inside out:

1. Explore yourself!Know who you are and be comfortable with yourself. The way that you feel about yourself will reflect on the outside especially on your facial expression.. If you are feeling stressed and annoyed, it will be shown on your facial expression no matter how much makeup you put on or how well you dress. On the other hand, if you are comfortable and happy with yourself, you know exactly who you are and you have a positive outlook in yourself and life, then you will exude beauty from within, even without any artifice or sexy outfit.

2. You are unique!Be confident and embrace your uniqueness. Beauty is simply a matter of perception. There are people who do not have angelic features or a perfect profile but once you look at them, they have an aura and air that you just cannot put a finger on. This vitality comes from their inner confidence. If you just concentrate on your flaws; see that you don’t have good skin, or your nose is crooked, then you will never be content with your appearance and you won't be able to find the true you and that special feature that you possess. You need to focus on your good points and make an effort to bring out the best of who and what you are. Remember, everyone is unique and you are definitely unique too.

3. Reward yourself – you deserve it!Pamper yourself, eat well and take good care of yourself. Good health is essential to further enhance your inner beauty. Looking pale and unhealthy that comes from bad eating habits and not spending enough time exercising will not benefit you. Remember that eating healthy does not include starving yourself. If you decide to lose weight, do it for yourself - in order to stay healthy. Don’t succumb to the pressures of society; that being beautiful means being paper-thin.

Pamper your self from time to time as a reward for all of the hard work that you do. By following these tips, you are on your way to be truly beautiful - both inside and out!

About the Author:

Nizzura; lecturer with a prominent university in Australia. Click here for more free informations, tips and resources on Relationship Advices and Beauty Tips

Article Source:'s-issues-articles/top-3-tips-to-be-beautiful-inside-out-207643.html

Author: Nizzura Azura

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Homemade Face Mask Tutorial Using Nature's Best Fruit For Skincare

Our skin loses its lustre after being exposed to sunlight, pollution, stress and of course everyday wear and tear and aging. You will notice your skin has lost its radiance and glow that you once had. This is quite inevitable especially as we grow older. However all is not lost as you can restore the health of your skin and nourish it to its beautiful condition again. One of the ways is to eat the right face foods to help create a beautiful skin inside and outside.

We all know by now nutrition plays a very important role in beauty; when you're healthy your beauty radiates from inside out! I'm here to point out one spectacular natural fruit that you can eat and apply on your face as a nourishing face mask. This fruit is indeed touted as the best beauty food ever. I've just switched to it and just after one application on my skin, my skin looks so much healthier. It's wonderful!! The fruit I'm talking about is none other than the AVOCADO.

Here's my tip for splendid skin from your face right down to your body - Avocado Honey Facial Mask. This mask will leave your skin supple and smooth with a healthy glow. It's easy to prepare and it's almost good enough to eat. Try it out and be amazed at this wonder beauty fruit

Ingredients: Half an avocado, 2 tbs of honey, 2 tbs of plain yoghurt

Directions: Mix all the ingredients into a thick paste. Then pat on face and massage it on for half a minute. Leave on mask for maximum results for at least 20 mins and rinse off with warm water. Moisturize after to seal in moisture.

For the remainder of the avocado mask, you can use it as a body moisturizer. Use the remaining paste from your facial and rub it all over your legs and hands. Massage in the paste and let it set for 20 mins then rinse off with warm water. Moisturize with a body lotion after that for best results.

So what do you do with the other half of the avocado? You should just eat it to further boost your omega 3 intake. To make an avocado appetizer, just squeeze some lemon juice onto your avocado and eat it all up. It helps to retain moisture in your body, further boosting its moisturizing properties. Avocadoes are full of essential oils and Vitamin B Complex.

It's undeniably the best food for your skin and health. Indulge in your avocado for beautiful and healthy skin

For beauty tips and secrets:

A laugh a day keeps your worries at bay:

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By Chantal Terry

Looking Younger is an Inside Job

Maintaining a positive mindset is a key to staving off the aging process. There are many techniques that can boost your positive mental attitude and help you age gracefully.

The awareness of who we are and where we want to go in life develops in your mind; you have control of every thought, action and deed. When one recognizes mind-power, life can become richer, easier and more fulfilling because you are cognizant of your energy, your thinking.

One avenue of awareness is through affirmations; these simple positive statements, steeped in belief that you are the master of your destiny, can help overcome many fears and doubts one may harbor. Tony Robbins, noted author and speaker, has a favorite that he repeats 500 times a day while jogging: “God’s wealth is circulating in me. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously for I am one with God and God is everything.” Those are powerful words. Repeating these powerful, faith filled words many times a day will permeate your subconscious mind and soon you will find yourself repeating them over and over again each day.

Recently, NBC Today Show featured Katie Couric, Christy Brinkley and Cheryl Tiegs discussing how age and aging was being redefined; they concluded that age fifty is now the new thirty; age sixty is now the new forty. This redefinition of aging is possible because we look and act differently than our ancestors; we have transformed physically and mentally and most of us would like to think we’re getting better at life. Just think back 100 years, our life expectancy was approximately 47 years and now the average age of first time grandparents is 47.

Transformation of the self - awareness, actualization, comes from the inside. Many people believe if they are showing outward signs of aging, Botox or a visit to a plastic surgeon will give them the needed boost of self-confidence, sex appeal or happiness that is lacking in their lives. Once those procedures are done, some patients may be disappointed that their life did not magically transform: yes, the outside has been changed yet they may still feel empty and unfilled.

As life expectancy increases more and more anti-aging creams, pills and injections will be marketed to the baby boomers and zoomers. As it is today, we are inundated with lotions and potions that promote empty promises which mean there are a lot of disappointed people who have spent countless thousands of dollars chasing after the fountain of youth. Celebrities and models have set an unreachable goal for many as their airbrushed and retouched photos are splashed across beauty magazines, movie posters and billboards. They just look so perfect – no wrinkles, no bulging thighs or stomach that jiggles and gorgeous hair perfectly coifed.

Almost every emotion shows on our face – pain, joy, anger, stress, disappointment, frustration, sorrow, illness, hopelessness and love. When life happens the face becomes drawn and tired. At this point, some may seek professional help – plastic surgery. After a few nips and tucks, the newly altered face begins to loosen and aging becomes apparent again because surgical procedures or injections do not stop or reverse aging in the face.

What if you want to look and feel healthier and happier without going to extremes or spending a lot of money? Well, you can!

The true beauty of every person begins inside; it’s an ongoing process of evolving emotions, understanding unconditional love and loving your self more. Happiness and health is achieved when we learn to treat each other with love, respect and honor; everyone benefits from our presence - our families, our friendships, our co-workers and each person we meet and greet.

A reliable alternative to facial injections and elective surgeries is facial exercise.

There is an internal change that occurs when you face yourself in the mirror and perform movements to correct an aging face; that change is self acceptance. As you learn to love your ‘total’ self, you will more and more appreciate that person in the mirror.

Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their children’s inheritance

Cynthia Rowland, Anti-aging Expert I Save Faces

Article Source:

By Cynthia Rowland Platinum Quality Author

Malls Flooded With Foreign Apparels

One might not able to locate where Manipur lies! Intellectuals even confused on several occasions on the where about of this state as a foreign nation. Their assumptions seem a dream comes true today! The youths and teenagers are fashion cognisant and that too not Indian apparel, but foreign lifestyles. The business of fashion in Manipur is more advanced than other cities of India, leaving those metropolitans.

Manipur is an extraordinary place, full of charm, beauty and creativity. It lies in the North-Eastern region of Indian Sub-continent, between 23.5 oN-25.3 oN Latitude and 93.4 oE-95.3 oE Longitudes, bordering Myanmar in the east, Nagaland state in the north, Assam and Mizoram in the west. Encircled by nine hill ranges, Manipur is marked out by a picturesque valley in the midst. The total area of Manipur is 22,327 sq. km. Out of this only 2,238 sq. Km are valley while the remaining areas are covered with hilly tracts.

Manipur, a small state which lies on a melting pot of culture is regarded as one of the world's beauty spots. The Rasa Lila, a classical dance of Manipur is world famous for its gentleness and serenity. Modern day polo was first played here as royal sport. Thus, the world credited the state as the home for polo game.

The place of surpassing attractions include superb panorama of evergreen hill ranges, the soil of Khongjom soaked with sacred blood of martyrs, the first battle of Anglo-Manipur war of 1891 at Kangla, the erstwhile capital of Manipur Kingdom. The Loktak lake-the largest freshwater lake in the North East, natural habitat of Brow-antlered deer at the Keibul Lamjao National Park-the only floating National Park in the world, the I.N.A. Memorial at Moirang where the first tricolour flag of Indian Independence was hoisted by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the Siroi Lily found only on the Siroi Hills, the symmertical two Second World War cemeteries, exquisite handloom and handicraft products of world fame.

Manipur is famous for the ‘Ema Keithel’ - women's market at Khwairamband bazaar- the only and the largest market in the world run by women, the gold-domed Shri Govindajee Temple, the Saheed Minar, the Khonghampat Orchid Yard, the Tharon Cave at Tamenglong, the Khanghui Cave at Ukhrul, the Kangla Park and the Moat surrounding the old historical palace of the Maharajas of ore-British period.

Manipur is not only the gateway to the North Eastern region but also a fascinating destination for discerning tourists. Legends say that the discovery of Manipur is the result of the delight the Gods took in dancing. It is this remarkable bid that gives Manipur a unique identity of her own. Blessed with a salubrious climate, famous for its distinctive cultural pattern and its evergreen scenic beauty, extend the tourists a cordial invitation to visit Manipur.

The shops and malls located here are flooded with foreign goods. From trousers, shirts to shoes and even caps – all are highly fashionable with excellent quality. Thanks to various factors – remote locations, border area, indefinite blockades and of course, the pressure from revolutionaries.

Two major shopping malls are very popular in Manipur. Gambhir Singh Shopping Arcade was established on July 17, 1998. The mall is a four-storey building with different plot sized shops. Unlike Mumbai and Delhi, it is not own by one proprietor or retail guru. Every shop owner is the owner of his own shops or plots. The first floor has around 25 shops with a vast area of 28 square metres each. Cost wise, each shop has retail value of Rs 7-10 lakhs. Second floor housed around 60 smaller shops with an area of 12 square metres. The top floor housed several offices and a cable operator, ISTV which is the sole cable channel in Manipur.

The second floor shops are rented for Rs 750 –1000 per month. Besides apparel and lifestyle cloths, there are beauty saloon, cosmetics and restaurants inside the Gambhir Singh Shopping Arcade. The name ‘Gambhir Singh’ is dedicated to the great kings of Manipur Kingdom who freed its people from the clutches of Burmese (present day Myanmar) invasion. Thus, people here used to say, the shopping mall freed from normal and orthodox lifestyles. Ever since the mall came, teenagers and youths here are fashion conscious and they could compete with any models and actors from Bollywood.

The other shopping mall is Leima Shopping Plaza at Governor Road, behind the Polo Ground. The word ‘Leima’ refers to ‘respected lady’ in regional language. Definitely, the plaza is meant for women in general. It has around 35 shops and others are in the final stage to be open for the public. The Leima shopping Plaza was earlier a huge movie theatre with modern Dolby system and other modern facilities, named ‘Friends Mini’. Hollywood box office grosser like ‘The World is Not Enough’ and Bollywood superhit ‘Hum Aap ke Hai Kaun’ were the last movies the Manipur cinemagoers could remember. But due to the revolutionaries ban on Hindi films in the state since last 4-5years, people stop viewing cinemas. The owners of the theatre had then converted it into the current plaza. Like the previous shopping mall, it is the hunting ground for the foreign fashion.

When a teenager wears foreign outfits, naturally the looks need to be transformed to match with his dresses. For this, several saloons and parlour exists within the plaza. One might wonder how this fashion trends starts in this small state. Reaching Manipur is not one’s cup of tea. It takes nearly 3 days from Delhi by rail till Guwahati, then another night journey by bus. Reaching Imphal by airline could cost heavy expenditure, around Rs.12,000–Rs.15,000 per person. Lack of communication and improper contact with other part of the country is hampering the Indian fashion to reach the mind of Manipuris youth staying here. And when films and other source of Hindi serials have been forbidden from the youth’s life, where do they get inspiration of latest fashions?

Although bans from viewing Hindi and its movies, these youths crave to imitate Indian models and actresses. They love to be like the King Khans and the pretty priety Zinta! Moreover, recent renaissance of Manipuri films has paved the way for fashions to revive again. Today almost two films are produced every month and the quality and the customs of such miniature efforts are the best in entire North East India. Big players like Assam could not match the quality, fashion and customs that are shown in Manipur cinema, though mega and super malls such as the Hub, Sohum and the Vishal Malls are located in Guwahati. Visitors frequency are meanly for business and shopping purposes only. Unlike the big malls in other cities of the country the two malls at Imphal have a highest conversion percentage of business volume, nearly 79%.

Credits are given to the small town fashion designers who return back to Imphal from metro cities to experiment. The successful trends of organising beauty pageants and fashion show since last decades have welcomed the fashion to mingle with the Manipuri youths. They watch the MTV Asia and other foreign channels like Koreans, Japanese, Arirang and other South Asian media to imitate their latest fashions. What is new to Indian fashion trends is outdated one for these fashion aware youths. Examples can be cited from Manipuri youths staying in various states of India. One could easily notice that the dress they wear and the fashions they follow are only foreign trends. Hardly they buy from Indian Malls for their shoes, jeans and T-shirts. Reason being Indian Apparels are unnecessarily high priced and lack of new trends in West, says few students studying in Delhi.

Earlier goods made in Thailand and Singapore came to Manipur. Such goods are excellent in quality and the fabrics are well knitted. Manipur designers and fashion specialists prefer such apparels to Indian brands. According to traders in the Gambhir Singh Shopping Arcade, now the manufacturing units and factories have been shifted to Beijing. This also is the reason why Nepal got foreign markets. Chinese made products are flooding the country, some are faked, others genuine and good quality. Such goods reached Manipur through a long voyage, from siliguri to silchar. Rapid bandhs and blockades on National Highway No. 39 forced the retailers and business traders to look out for Indo-Myanmar route.

Rajesh, an engineer student from Imphal, based in Delhi has said, “ Every time I wear any T-shirts brought from Manipur, and friends will ask is it from US or UK. I feel proud to reply them that its from Imphal. Looking at the price, they will request to order for them too.” Yes, the quality and cost factor is one prime factor that forced the Manipuri youths to opt for foreign goods. Fashions need to keep on changing. New product launched in the market is latest fashion. Unfortunately this kills the brand image. No one can predicts which is the best brand after every 3-4 months. Latest trends will arrive anytime and earlier fashion will dumped. This doesn’t happen frequently for Indian goods. Shirts like Park Avenue or Arrow will cling on its own finishing and cuts, that too for several months. In addition, price keeps on hiking. The MRP of Red Tape and Picasso shoes in neighbourhood mall at Guwahati ranges from Rs 1395-2095 and Rs 1495-1595 respectively, whereas All Stars and Valentino from Franch are available in the margin of Rs 200-Rs 700 in the Gambhir Singh Arcade. Fashionable youths will pick up these shoes which are latest in trends and new to them at cheaper prices.

The above table shows some brands of shoes which are available in both the Shopping malls and latest trends currently. Women’s shoes are limited, so some opt for Indian brands. Here, it is worth to mention that branded companies too established their small shops in and around Imphal to meet the requirements of the people. There are outlets of Nike, Reebok and Adidas. But the volume of business is not sound as compared to foreign shoes. Ida is the latest trends of women’s shoe these days. Among men, All Stars is the highest seller.

Most of these trousers are Bangkok or Singapore made. Among men’s brand, Phat Farm is the highest seller, followed by Mad Fish and Sha Bao Lu Jeans. ADL tops the women’s brand. Women Tops are mostly combination of imported and Indian brands. Popular among women shirts includes Ether from Bangkok, Sea Red, Idea and ANJ, Looks, Udare and Madame from India. Ether is available for girls from 12 years to middle aged housewives. This is the highest selling brand these days.

Evidences of the teenagers picking up latest in fashion much ahead of their counterparts in other cities of India are seen from latest Bollywood movies. The Cargo pant that Saif Ali Khan in Hum Tum and his new dresses in Salam Namaste are not new to the Manipuri teenagers. They have been wearing the cargo pants since 3 year. Some brands of cargo pants which are very fashionable and trendy in the region includes GAP, AND, DYD, US Army. And the price ranges are very cheap, which starts from Rs 380 – Rs 650. Ladies Pencil shoes like Tipper from Thailand are the models delight for a catwalk on ramp.

Clearly the teenagers lead the frequency of visits in both malls, contributing to the safety and secure to shop. Manipur, a land under fire due to the black laws of the government as well as the threats from revolutionaries always lag behind in development. If these two malls were not opened, then the fashion business might not been what we are witnessing today. Streets shops and brand shops are often visited by Women who look for big bargaining options and the aged men who cannot part away their teenaged memory since their early days. Another advantage of shopping in the mall is that these teenage can hang out and enjoy their time in café or restaurant after the shopping has been complete. A wide selection of desired apparels is also possible in such malls only. Manipuri girls are very beautiful and conscious of latest fashions. This has promoted the opening of many beauty parlours inside malls.

Customers don’t see the brands, they look for latest trends in fashion. The stretchable women jeans from Bangkok are excellent in cut and fabric. The finishing is well made and it cannot be found in any other Indian brands. “Teenagers mostly depend on fashion. What is latest fashion in Singapore and Bangkok arrives soon here. In such condition brand image building is a difficult to them,” said Romeo Sairem, owner of Smart Ready Wear Garments. The potential buyers are teenagers. They spend around Rs. 10,000 during lean seasons. This could goes up to Rs. 30,000 during festive seasons like Holi, Ningol Chakouba, New Year and other community celebrations. Among men, brand is top priority; they look for brands in their choice of selections.

In the latter part of 90’s, a strong movement was instituted to abolish the improper street markets from the congested Imphal city roads. Such changed of the city policy necessitates the opening of malls. Another reason was the freedom and peace from frequent tensions from traffic police officials who are exploiting those shop owners. Earlier it was unorganised retail mode of business. Now the malls are a good revenue to a large section of businessmen residing in Manipur.

The Gambhir Singh Shopping Arcade and the Leima Shopping Plaza has been able to deliver what people wants with good space to shop and international standards apparels. Teenagers could dress fashionably like the Westerners and other South Asian youths. Looking at dresses and fashion trends in Manipur, one cannot decide the economic breakdown of this state. All has been made possible due to cheaper apparels at lowest possible price range.

The marvellous mélange of variety is a major part of Sunday markets along the street of Imphal city. Some shops keep branded products in apparels, cosmetics or lifestyle accessories. Others more typically offer whatever is trendy, the entire latest consumer desire and looking for. Serendipity waits at stalls where customers always find a surprising item they never thought they needed, but were suddenly sure they could never live without. And such market is much more tourist friendly, with enough room for favourable bargaining.

What one witnessed in Manipur is that certain incredible points of attraction developed very rapidly, particularly among young people. They tend to completely take over a place, and after a while they lose interest. Thus, swift to new trends always happen in this small state!

Gambhir Singh Shopping Arcade is really important because it introduced the concept of retail excitement by enclosing the mall. What is lack in these malls are modern escalators and all other things which can create a very stimulating environment, so that finally there was something almost as exciting as the city! But one never bothers for such amenities when one could get what he wants after climbing dozens of staircases.

Before the mall concept, Indian goods rule the Imphal market. Political and economic situations were also not a big headache for the businessmen and retailers. Foreign goods enter here, but in less and quantity. Fashions and apparels were not so important in last few years.

It is not easy to bring foreign fashions in this high alert state. The game is a difficult one if one does not take stringent measures in this business. Romeo added, “ We heard about the Free Trade Agreement with other South Asian countries. We also learnt about BIMSTEK and trade promotional policies. Unfortunately, we are spending 50 per cent of the total investments in useless expenditures. Excise officials and police authorities take undue advantages from us.” “Nevertheless, we are happy with our business ventures and profits,” he continued.

Such goods are lost frequently in the hands of corrupt officials. Adding further problems from the revolutionaries and other gangs who demand hefty taxes and ransoms. One has to fly to Bangkok to order the goods in bulk. Although it is legal to import such goods, according to new trade policy, retailers need to follow traditional and dangerous way to procure such products. In Bangkok, a retailer will order his choice of products and returns back. The concerned person will carry all responsibilities to transport the goods till Myanmar border. From here, the owner will import goods. Bringing from border to mall shelf is a combat for these poor retailers. “This is the only way we do business, no other route to bring foreign goods,” Kennedy, owner of Style Zone lamented. He further added, if we were based in other Indian states, our business would do great profits. “Army who are posted along the highway tortured us and confiscated our goods whenever they like. We do not have other means than submitting to their tyranny. If we are to do business, we have to suffer,” Kennedy added. Another proprietor named, Mani expressed his anger against the state and centre government for not allowing free trades. “ The government does not like to see us prosper, that is the reason why they do not open the orders physically. In media and in front of global meetings, these talk of a free trade policy and economic co-operations. Why they are exploiting us then?”

Advertisement and media campaign are absolutely nil, owners does not need to spend their investment on such campaigns. This is a bonus to them. Anand, another shop owner from the Leima shopping plaza said, “ Our goods are the best, so we don’t need extra effort to reach the customer. It’s simply word of mouth. Whenever a new fashion arrives, people throngs in and it starts doing business.”

Unlike big bazaar and mega mart, which offers freebies, discounts and buy one get one free promotional scheme, the malls in Manipur does not offer anything except the very best quality at reasonable amounts. Every year, both the malls celebrate their Inauguration Day where shop owners offer some valuable gifts to every buyers, be it T-Shirt or Women’s Tops.

Anand continued, “What we lack is full support from government in our trade. We would like to do business across India. We need to build a common platform for distributing /retailing such foreign apparels to other Indian cities.” Exactly, if the business of fashion is supported by the changing Indian trade policy, foreign goods could be flooded to every part of Indian cities. By doing so, Indian fashion scenario will get a new blend of South Asian origins, much cheaper and more fashionable than the present image of fashion.

Mohen Naorem is a journalist based in India. His other work can be read at

Article Source:

By Mohen Naorem

Earning a Certificate in Beauty Therapy

Earning a certificate in beauty therapy is like earning a pass to enter an exciting and creative career path. Beauty therapy is a comprehensive approach to personal care that focuses on total beauty from head to toe and not just one aspect. In other words, beauty therapy means providing personal care that promotes a sense of welling and enhances the appearance in multiple ways.

Beauty therapy is much different than hairdressing. A beauty regime assists a person who wants to promote serenity on the inside which then enhances the outside appearance. That's why a well-designed beauty therapy program includes aromatherapy and stress reducing services such as different massage techniques. As professional therapists know, it's hard to look your best when muscles are taut with stress and the mind is distracted due to hectic lifestyles. The aging process begins on the inside which is why beauty therapy focuses first on creating the right atmosphere to begin a personal transformation.

Beauty Layers

When you decide to pursue a career in beauty therapy, the training program will include all the courses and hands-on training you need to master the concept of total well-being. Beauty therapy begins on the inside, but quickly moves to personal care on the outside. Beauty therapy offered in a salon or spa includes a range of services for clientele.

* Instruction in daily makeup application
* Makeup applications for special events including photo sessions, weddings and stage or television appearances
* Anti-aging skin treatments
* Hairdressing
* Lash and brow grooming
* Manicures
* Pedicures
* Facials
* Aromatherapy

A salon therapist is someone who understands their client's beauty and grooming needs. The specialist develops a personal and customized program that addresses the individual's needs. Layer by layer the therapist can ease stress and enhance the appearance.

A Rounded Program

Earning a certificate in beauty therapy involves an intensive program of courses which instruct in all the issues which affect personal appearance. That means you will not just study how to create an aromatherapeutic atmosphere or how to apply facials. You will study the elements of nutrition which impact personal well being and how nutrition affects beauty. You will gain an understanding of cosmetic chemistry so your services can be customized for your clients based on skin type and colouring. You will also study salon management and learn how to blend your personal care and business skills into a profitable enterprise.

In other words, earning a certificate in beauty therapy means you have studied the appropriate areas and are a beauty professional. Your certificate proves you are a high calibre specialist prepared to work with all kinds of clients on an individual basis.

The beauty therapy industry is exploding which means there are thousands of career opportunities around the world. Beauty therapists work in hotel spas and free standing salons, at resorts, in hairdressing establishments, department stores, fitness and health clubs, and a number of other businesses. As a beauty therapist you will have unlimited potential to choose your career path.

Academia International is a leading international college providing cooking courses, hospitality management training, hairdressing courses, and beauty courses. For a free brochure please visit Study English

Article Source:

By Andrew Johnstone Platinum Quality Author

Beauty Introduction

Today, women and men of many cultures diet, exercise, apply cosmetics, and undergo a bewildering array of surgical procedures to achieve a desired look.

Beauty and personal care items are a major part of the labeling industry. In the United States, cosmetics make up the third largest market of pressure sensitive labels at about 14 percent. The cosmetics industry was jump-started by the mass popularity of anti-aging products in the 1920s, and grew over the next few decades. Most women and some men spend much money and time on cosmetics and other beauty items.

With the current economy, we are all looking to stretch our budget as far as it can go. However, many of us still want to look and feel good about our appearance. Beauty products can be something that we simply do not, or cannot, include in our budget.

To feel beautiful is important as it makes you feel good about life, increases your self confidence and lifts up your mood, making you happy and a contented individual.

Every woman wants to look beautiful and works hard to reach her full potential. There are tons of cosmetics as well as natural means which are available on the market to make women look their best.

There are so lots of beauty tips out there nowadays it is tough to figure out which beauty tip works and which doesn't work. You have to be cautious when deciding to start a fresh beauty regime.

Natural beauty is easy when you give your body everything it needs to bring out your own unique style of beauty from the inside out.

Click to find more about Skin Care & Improvement

Click to find more about Beauty Secrets & Tips

Article Source:

By Amy Alice Platinum Quality Author

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Build Magnificent Homes With Marble and Granite Products

Natural stones can create magic in home construction. Whether used on exteriors or interiors, they provide attractive looks to homes. If you want a magnificent home then you can do it by using different marble and granite products in home construction. No matter you are building a new home, revamping an old home or purchased a condominium, you can provide magnificent looks to your home by using different marble, granite and other stone products strategically.

Popular marble products being used widely in home construction are as follows:

· Marble and Granite Counter tops
· Marble Columns
· Marble and Granite Tiles
· Marble Fireplaces, and
· Marble Water Jets

You cannot think of decorating your home without using any marble product. Be it your living room, bedrooms or bathrooms, use of marble is essential to get extremely attractive look. Marble flooring is on top of agenda for homeowners, as it provides beautiful and shiny look to homes as well as are easy to maintain. Nowadays marble tiles and slabs come in several patterns and texture suiting different needs of people. You can always find a perfect color or texture of marbles suiting your home's desired color scheme.

No homeowner can think of a modern bathroom and modular kitchens without using marble tiles, granite sinks, and granite countertops as they provide stylish look to the bathrooms and kitchens of every home.

Marble, Granite or other stone products (natural or processed marble) are more durable than normal cement based products. Nowadays marble columns are being used widely in home construction due to their extra durable nature and extended support to the base of your homes. They also add extra charm in interior designing. Marble floors do not need any carpet to increase the beauty of inside ambiance of your homes thus saving your money on buying carpets. It is easier for interior designer to decorate a home pre-finished with different marble products.

The beauty of homes made with marble or granite products lasts longer. They are less prone to damage and the maintenance costs of a marbles home is less than that or normal homes. However, you need to keep a close watch on every marble products used in your home to keep the beauty of your marbled home forever.

Pacific Bedrock, Expert manufacturer of granite, marble, and other stone product, dealing in Kitchens counter tops and wet bars, bathrooms, fireplaces and all stone needs, specialized in manufacturing and supply of finished stone products. For more information please visit: -

Article Source:

By Alexender Smith

Laryngitis: A Modern Day Epidemic

Everywhere I look I see women who have lost their voice, including me. We are silent at work, at home, in our relationships, and worst of all, we are silent to ourselves. How is it that our best and brightest suffer in silence? It is not how nature intended it to go.

At birth we all come out as we are meant to be, loud, proclaiming our arrival with an appropriate howl. In the beginning, our every utterance is heralded with "oohs and ahhs." This grand state of being usually lasts for a year or two; we are perfect, cute and accepted, just the way we are. And then, we somehow cross the invisible, proverbial line and one day the "Isn't she cute" statements become a disturbing, "SHH!" The louder we get, the more severely we're reprimanded. The virus begins to take hold. We start to silence ourselves. Laryngitis reigns.

Collectively, we have done the worst damage to ourselves. We haven't honored women who took a stand for themselves-we called her a Bitch. Those few that managed to raise the ceiling, seemed somehow to lose their way. They then became the scapegoat for the male counterparts in terms of punishment. Just look at Martha Stewart's fate and that of the boys of ENRON.

In the 70's we raised our voices in Assertiveness training, only to be labeled aggressive. Try and try as we might, it seemed that every time we raised our voice, it was silenced and the virus crept through and took hold throughout our lives. "It's not that important" became our mantra, and rather than ruffle any feathers, we kept our mouths shut, one by one.

I'm all for keeping the peace and turning the other cheek. Where good intentions go astray is when we can no longer find solace in our own internal bubble. We silence ourselves with food, alcohol, sex or sleep. Boundaries beckon us, but we don't really have a clue what they are or how to set them appropriately. They can become insurmountable walls around our hearts or a bulldozer on another woman's boundary if we're not careful. Start standing up for yourself and caring more about how you feel. It's okay for it to be messy as you find your way, just clean up the messes as you go.

For me, there is really only one important question to answer: Do you know the truth of you? Can you hear your voice straining to reach you above the din of life? If you can be still for just a moment you will hear her say, "You are beautiful, You are gifted, You are important, You are perfect just the way you are."

Why don't we believe these inherent truths about ourselves? We believe it about our children, don't we? Don't we love our friends with all their quirks and bad behaviors? Don't they love our quirks right back?

The statistics on the results of our collective laryngitis is alarming. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 8 million of us were nipped and tucked in 2004. Can you imagine what that number is today? All the makeover shows are telling us that we are not 'Good Enough' and need multiple surgeries, not just one mind you, to make us acceptable. It's not a sin to want to look better, it is a heartbreak to turn to the knife to feel better about ourselves.

And if we're not being made over, we're certainly depressed about it. Over 10 million of us have been diagnosed with depression, according to the American Psychological Association's fact sheet. Women are twice as likely as men to be depressed and married women are more likely to be depressed than single women. Get this, married men are less likely to be depressed than single men. Apparently what's good for the gander is not so good for the goose.

Statistics aside, we know that we can stop this epidemic in self-loathing one woman at a time, starting with you. Whatever we focus on we get, according to laws of the universe, so let's start focusing on how FABULOUS we are. Quick, right now, tell me one thing that is just the BOMB about you! Now up the ante and tell me another wonderful tidbit about you that most people don't get right away. See how easy it is? Let's go on a wonderful hunt to discover the wonder in each other. If you see a woman with great style, go up and tell her. Love her hair?, let her know. Each one of us is really special, let's find our voices and start using them for the good.

How can you start using and strengthening your voice? Here are some tips:

1.You are important. Life is not the same without your gift.
You better know just how important you are. Did you ever try to bake bread without that "not so important" bit of yeast? It doesn't come out the same, does it? Well, life without you is just as flat. Let your voice be heard. Write letters to the editor, get to know your representatives in Washington and your state capital. What you have to say is important. We need your voice.

2.Start to say "No" when you mean "No" and "Yes" when something lights you up. You have permission not to be a martyr anymore. It's hell on your cuticles.

3.Be a role model for young women. Live your life like it's the only one you have. Reincarnation may well be true, but if we can't remember it, who cares?

4.Be a mentor to another woman or a young girl. You have no idea how valuable your knowledge is to someone who is struggling to find herself. You don't have to have a special degree or skill, just show up. It is the greatest gift you can give another.

5.Spread the word to other women that their voice is important too.

Today as you walk down the street notice the women you see. Imagine that they have no voice. Picture them with their lips zipped shut. Scary, isn’t it? Whenever we stifle ourselves that is the world we are creating, not just for ourselves, but also for all women.

Be loud! Be funny! Be heard! The greatest gift of democracy is our voice and the right to be heard. Dylan Thomas reminds us to “Not go gentle into that good night,” let’s raise our voices together. What a beautiful sound we make.

Maureen O'Crean is the publisher and founder of an online community of women-for-women. Co-author of I Am Diva, Every Woman's Guide to Outrageous Living, Maureen wants every woman to live a life of joy and happiness. Beauty from the inside out

Article Source:'Crean

By Maureen O'Crean Platinum Quality Author

The Ingredients in Organic Face Cream Can Really Get Rid of Wrinkles and Other Imperfections

Organic face cream should be a part of any good skin care program. But keep in mind that not every product claiming to be organic actually is. When it comes to skincare, this term can only be correctly applied to any product that contains at least 95% natural ingredients. While 5% may not seem like a lot, that small opening may allow for some not-so-natural things to get into skincare products which you wouldn't really want touching your skin.

Avoiding artificial ingredients is crucial when it comes to your face, as the skin here is more sensitive than any other. Any product used on the face should be as gentle and safe as possible. An antioxidant face cream organic product can be extremely effective in treating the skin of the face and reducing signs of aging.

Choose Your Organic Products Carefully

When choosing an organic face cream, you'll want to be on the lookout for ingredients such as kaolin, plant-based oils such as macadamia extract, vitamin E and shea butter. Working together, these therapeutic natural substances can rid the body of harmful toxins and restore elasticity for a softer, more youthful look.

Extracted from New Zealand clay, kaolin absorbs oil and removes built up dirt from the skin. Plant based oils such as macadamia oil protect skin cells from aging and replenish depleted moisture while shea butter acts as a natural moisturizer to soothe and soften the skin and reduce scars and blemishes.

An antioxidant face cream organic product which contains a combination of these ingredients will be extremely effective and will protect the skin from damaging irritants.

Natural antioxidants such as vitamin E are very important in skin care as they work to rid the body of free radicals and other toxins, helping to reduce signs of aging and improving overall health. By helping to heal the skin from the inside out, organic face cream containing antioxidants can result in thorough and long lasting effects.

Antioxidant face cream organic products which contain active manuka honey are among the most exciting new developments in the skin care industry. Cultivated in the pollutant-free environment of New Zealand, this powerful substance contains unique enzymes which are scientifically proven to restore and rejuvenate skin.

Natural Is The Way TO Go When It Comes To Skincare

Treating the skin effectively means finding the right balance between moisture and dryness and promoting natural healing. Products such as organic face cream, which contain a combination of all natural ingredients, have been proven effective on all types of skin and have resulted in improvements in the look and feel of skin as well as in overall health.

They say beauty is more than just skin deep and with advances in the science of skincare, we now know that this is true. By using safe, gentle, healthy organic products you can make a real difference in the look and feel of your skin. Take the extra few minutes to find a product that works for you and you'll go a long way toward maintaining your beauty from the inside out.

Rich Eng serves as the leader of a high growth healthcare services business for a Fortune 500 company. A 20 year industry veteran and "holistic health and fitness" coach, he constantly researches better ways to improve one's mind, body and spirit

Visit his site at to learn more about the natural skin care products he personally uses and why he chose these products after extensive research

Article Source:

By Rich Eng Platinum Quality Author

A Crafter's Tools

At birth, each of us is given a set of tools to enable
us to begin our journey on earth. Some get paint
brushes, and others needles and thread. There are
those with knives to carve wood and still others
melt wax and make candles. No matter the craft,
the tools are given freely. These tools may not
resemble what the world knows or expects, but
they are ideas and whispers in the mind and heart.
The vision of beauty and colors beyond belief are
woven into the fiber of each of us.

You may say that you never saw the brushes or the
needles. My friend, they were there in your fingertips
and in your soul. When a color struck your fancy or
a twig inspired you to think about the perfect place to
put it - there was your pallette of paint and the clay to
make a vase. Inspiration takes many shapes and
forms, but if we miss a tool or two, somewhere later
in life they appear and we get a second chance.

Crafts and hobbies are made in heaven. They are
disguised as such because the beauty is inside and
we must find the right touch to open the doors of
creativity and ingenuity. Once opened, the Magical
Box will not close again. The visions come at the
most inopportune times. Waiting for a bus, rocking a
baby, and even washing a floor are not excluded.
Each is a bead or button to be picked up and used.

When you give something that you made with your
heart to a loved one, be assured that the quills used
to sign your name on your project are made of gold.
The ink is the flowing water of who you are and where
you are headed. If wood is your special talent, then
a tree feels privileged to lend you a bit of itself to make
the heavens proud. Yarn, sparkles, and even a feather
all are happy to make your ideas come to light. So,
create to your heart's content, give gifts as if they were
one of a kind, for truly they are, and stand proud when
you hand your tool box or sewing basket back to the
Almighty. If they are well used, then your life will shine.
If they haven't been touched, then the world is less of
a place because of it. Fulfill your dreams, and be the
artist that you know is in your being. We all wait and
hope that the beauty you create will help us envision
the treasures of the world we will enter someday.
Craft and know that you are doing the work of the
universe - and as the saying goes "Live Well and
Prosper" in ways you have just started to discover.

©Arleen M. Kaptur

August, 2007

Arleen M. Kaptur has written many books and articles on everyday living and finding peace and joy in all we do

Article Source:

By Arleen Kaptur Platinum Quality Author

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Stop Turning Him Off in Romance

What do men want? It may seem like there's only one answer to that question -- "sex" -- but men are actually a bit more complicated than that. Surveys of men show a variety of things that turn them on when it comes to women they're dating. Here are five to keep in mind as you navigate the pitfalls of single life.

1. Take care of yourself.

Yes, men like breasts and butts. And yes, there's only so much you can (or should) do about those areas. You are who you are, physically and mentally, and you shouldn't change yourself dramatically for anyone.

What we're talking about here are little things that can make a big difference in your appearance. Always being dressed in nice, decent clothes, having fresh breath, having clean hair (but not over-styled -- men like simple when it comes to hair), shaving your armpits and legs regularly, and so forth.

It doesn't mean you have to be a size 2 and go to the gym every day. It just means taking care of the body you have and going out of your way to be fresh and clean when you see him.

2. Let him know he's #1 with you.

While men don't like women who are subservient and docile, they do like to know that they're important to you. Men are as insecure about relationships as women are, if not more so. He probably won't want to talk about the relationship and define it and label it, but he does want to know where he stands.

Let him know by leaving cute love notes for him or by calling him at the office to say hello. He wants to know that while you have your own life to lead, you're taking time to think about him, too.

It will also make him more likely to make the same kind of sweet gestures for you in return, once you've opened the door for such things.

3. Be confident.

You may not look like a supermodel or have the body of a porn star. You may not be the smartest, prettiest, or sexiest woman you know. But damn it, you're not half-bad, either!

Guys love a woman who's confident in herself. Not cocky or arrogant or snotty, but confident. Smile when you enter a room. Don't look nervous in new surroundings. Act like you're completely happy with your body and personality, even if you're not. Men notice the difference.

When you present ideas to your partner, state them with confidence. Don't always defer to, "Whatever you want to do is fine" when discussing plans together. Give your opinions! When he asks what you'd like to do this weekend, give a suggestion.

Often, women are afraid to be too bold in their opinions, mistakenly believing men want their ladies to be quiet and humble. What men actually say they want in polls and studies is a woman who will speak her mind and be a true PARTNER in the relationship.

4. Be independent.

Speaking of being a true "partner," here's another tip that men find incredibly attractive: Have a life.

It's disconcerting to meet someone and get the impression she didn't exist before you came into her life, but that's what it feels like for some men. They meet women who don't go out, don't socialize much, don't do much of anything outside of work. That's not a partner, that's a Barbie doll!

By the same token, if you already do have a life, don't shut it down when a man comes into your world. Continue to hang out with your friends, dedicate energy to your job, and all the other things you used to do.

Don't be so career-oriented that you don't have ANY time to be with your partner, but don't completely turn everything else off for him, either. Men like women with backbone. If you occasionally can't be with him because of other obligations, it will make the times you CAN be with him seem all the sweeter. If you're at his beck and call 24 hours a day, well, where's the fun in that?

5. Have a sense of humor.

Don't be afraid to crack a joke. Our society places great importance on funny men but rarely on funny women, and so women are often get the subconscious message that jokes are for guys to tell. But it's just not true. Men love it when women can make jokes as well as they can. Avoid being dirty or using profanity -- men appreciate ladylike behavior -- but if he makes a one-liner about the bad service in the restaurant, don't hesitate to offer one of your own, too. Partners love to be able to tease each other playfully.

What if you're just not that funny a person? You can still have a sense of humor by appreciating other people's jokes. If he says something funny, or if something funny happens nearby, don't be afraid to laugh.

Again, the old-fashioned ideas of women laughing demurely and daintily, covering their mouths with their hands, are outdated. If it's funny, LAUGH. Don't be shy, don't be coy. Just laugh. Laughter is one of the great tools in any relationship. It's one of the greatest sounds in the world. Let him hear it from you.

No one has yet worked out ALL the secrets of how to make men happy. But these tips are a start, some simple ways you can be your best self and make him see what a great partner you can be.

Get FREE Video Tutorials at and learn how you can save your own Marriage and Relationship THE EASY WAY! You can change your lover's mind, and turn him or her around in their tracks - almost magically - and they will be attracted to your warmth, your love and to your true beauty inside and out, once again! Learn how you can get a Man back using the tutorials at

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By C. Pemo Platinum Quality Author

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Toddler Tips - Get Baby Off the Bottle and Leave the Blanket in Crib

As a youth motivator, I have been asked to offer strategies aimed at toddlers so I'll start with the common problems of how to keep track of a precious Teddy or Blankie and how to get babay off the bottle. The obvious answer is not to let it out of the crib or bed. You can accomplish this easily by making it seem like it's your toddler's idea.

Ask your toddler if their blankie is special to them? They'll say yes.

Ask if they want someone take it or to lose it? They'll say no.

While standing over their crib or bed and sounding super concerned, ask, "Can you think of a safe place to leave blankie/teddy where it will never be lost, only you can cuddle it and no-one else can have it? They'll say yes and point to their bed.

If they don't, that's when you offer a great idea, "I about right here in your very own bed...the safest place in the world?"

The result? Teddy/blankie will always be safe, clean and you will never have to worry about looking for it again. Remember you're in control and smarter than your child, so if your child is still insisting that he/she take it out of the crib, give them a firm two choices only....either leave it in the bed or you'll keep it in your bed for safe keeping (this would never do.) Problem solved and onto the next one...

Toddlers love their bottles and this presents another difficult time for parents when trying to get them from the bottle to the cup. Here is a simple and very effective strategy I used that often works within 24 hours! Each time your toddler asks for a bottle, ask if they'd like a cup. They'll say no. Give them the bottle but first sneak a few drops of tobacco sauce into it (you'll only need a few drops to slightly change the taste). They'll tell you that it tastes funny or say they don't like it. That is your cue to offer the cup of pure milk. They'll say yes, think it was their choice and you'll have just completed another important growth step! Monique Howat is a youth motivator specializing in self- esteem strategies and the founder of Confident Girls and Guys. She presents over 100 presentations each year and is recognized for her creative and motivating strategies that activate every workshop and inspire even the toughest audiences. These workshops include a highly applauded school workshops such as Leadership, Girls Strutting Beauty on the Inside and Guys Flexing From the Inside

Monique's engaging style and motivating workshops appeal to adults too. They include train the trainer, The Happiness workshop, Resiliency Plus and more strategy-filled workshops for adults and parents. Monique has been featured in e-zines, magazines and web pod-casts all over the world as well as contributed to them. Monique was Women of Success 2004, has been a guest on Canada AM and presents a regular segment on Rogers TV titled 'Motivate Your Kids!' Sign up for a free newsletter loaded with great advice and tips

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By Monique Howat