Senin, 16 Februari 2009

The Secret To Creating Beauty From The Inside Out

By Constance Weygandt

Women wanting to be beautiful is as old as
civilization. At different times in history, women have ingested arsenic to improve their complexions, used warm urine from young boys to remove their freckles and took belladonna to produce dreamy eyes. The beauty business is a $160 billion, a year, global industry. The cosmetic surgery business is a $20 billion business. These industries play on the fear of looking ugly as much as the need to look beautiful and for good reason. Attractive people are perceived to be more intelligent, more successful and better in bed. Although the beauty industry has traditionally marketed to women, the male market is increasing.

Part of the challenge which the beauty industry faces is truth in advertising. Increasingly, consumers have tested products which make grandiose claims, only to be disappointed. The current trend is on well being as well as outer beauty. A healthy individual, in good physical shape, is perceived to be an attractive individual. Here are four factors which can help you to achieve beauty from the inside out.

Water. Water is an essential component of the human body. When we fail to replace lost water we can enter a state of dehydration. If you have ever been thirsty, you have experienced the beginnings of dehydration. A rule of thumb is: check your urine. If your urine is clear to light colored you are adequately hydrated. A lack of water in your system can lead to overeating. Sometimes, when we feel that we are hungry we are actually thirsty. When you feel hunger, have a glass or two of water and wait 15 minutes. If you are still hungry, eat something. I keep a 32 ounce bottle of water with me at all times and sip from it throughout the day. I usually finish two bottles a day.

Oxygen. According to Dr. Spencer Way in the Journal of American Association of Physicians, “ Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease.” Sufficient oxygen is necessary for a healthy life. We can exist for up to 40 days without food, 4 days without water but no more than 3 minutes without oxygen. Due to pollution and the thinning ozone layer, oxygen levels in our air are believed to be around 21%. Adequate oxygen levels are very important in that hostile organisms cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

Colostrum and Leptin. Colostrum is a natural food, rich in anti aging and immune factors. Leptin is a small hormone-like protein primarily produced by fat cells. Small fat cells produce more leptin than large fat cells. Leptin is important because it sends out a signal to suppress appetite. Some of the benefits of the colostrum/leptin combination are: inch loss, building of lean muscle, high energy levels, tightening and toning of the skin, better sleep and much more. I believe this to be an essential combination in achieving beauty from the inside out.

Sleep. Adequate sleep is important on more than one level. It is the number one defense against stress. Cortisol, a hormone, is released during stressful events and can, over time, lead to a risk of infection and disease. Sleep is also important in minimizing weight gain. Many Americans that are sleep deprived are also overweight. The amount of sleep suggested for the average person is 8-10 hours. When Sophia Loren, a popular actress and reigning beauty in the sixties and seventies, was asked how she still looked so beautiful at an older age, her answer was that she naps every day.

As a final note: If you are taking vitamin supplements, your urine will be darker for several hours after taking them. There are many companies that advertise products that profess to raise oxygen levels in your system. As always, use due diligence in your choice of products. If you try and follow this guide to beauty, you should see results in the form of looking and feeling younger and healthier.

Constance Weygandt is an author, speaker and balance mentor. For more information on health and beauty or to receive her newsletter, visit her at

Constance Weygandt is an author, speaker and balance mentor. For more information on health and beauty or to receive her newsletter, visit her at

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