Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Radiant Health is Sexy

By Waller McInnes

Looks good on you...

Have you ever felt so alive that you wanted to share yourself with the world, as if you were just waking up and time was running out for you to enjoy all the beauty life has in store for you? The time has come to open to this place inside of you. You have come to the perfect place to learn how radiant you already are and how you can have everything you want in this life. If you are overweight and focused on losing weight, how does this feel to be resisting what is by telling yourself there is something wrong with the condition of your body as it is today? What if you were to affirm your beauty, inside and out, feel grateful for the health and vitality you DO HAVE (otherwise, you would not be reading this). Try this in front of the mirror. Look at yourself, and tell yourself how much you love your body, what a miracle you are and that people love you and you love your life. If this is not the case, fake it until you make it.

When you replace destructive thoughts with thoughts that feel better, your feelings respond and your body will learn to love what is. This has an impact on digestion, assimilation and metabolism. What if you were able to get to your ideal weight simply by changing your mind?

Radiant health starts from within. It is important to get a visual of yourself where you want to be as you create a radiant life. Writing helps the subconscious make the changes necessary to create greater vitality. Write out how you feel at your ideal weight, what kind of clothes you are wearing, the heads you are turning, the amount of energy you have throughout the day,. Describe your ideal in all areas-what kind of an impact you are making on the world, where you live, who is in your life. When you create radiant health from the inside out, you attract everything you need to continue to grow and blossom. It is important to continue creating your vision, otherwise, you can get stuck in resistance, forgetting who you are and back in the conversation of lack and limiting beliefs.

If you are gaining weight while trying to lose weight, and doing everything perfectly, this could be because you are committed to being a certain size to protect yourself. Your body creates armoring when it does not feel safe. As children, we learn that it is not okay to express ourselves, that there must be something wrong with us if we are angry, sad or not perfect. Then we grow and have fun as teenagers, and are taught it is not okay to have fun, that we must be serious adults. Goodbye fun! Then, we get older and learn it is not okay to be sexy, that our time is up-"look at all the young hot ladies out there", "I am too old to find a partner", "My belly is getting bigger by the day after I hit 50". Your body responds to the thoughts you are feeding to it. How about replacing these with messages that let you know how beautiful, sexy, perfect you are? How good it feels to get all dressed up and go out on the town!! Even if you don't feel sexy, the more you treat yourself as you already are perfect (because you are), the more radiance will shine through you and people will wonder what your secret is.

You don't have to tell them, but you do have to keep acting as if you are better than you think you are. I can guarantee you this will create a lifetime of sustainable health. This is your life. It's time to wake up to your authentic self, who does not struggle or think there is anything wrong, but lives in the joy and abundance of life. As soon as you think you are wrong, overweight, unhappy, your body and mind respond accordingly by bringing you people, places and things that keep you in resistance. If you are overweight, worried about feeding yourself, stressed out, you may be craving cookies and feeling sorry for yourself for not being able eat cake. This may lead you to eat cake in isolation and feel the pain than if you had gone for a walk or called a friend instead. What if you were to feed your body healthy foods, nourishing relationships, satisfying exercise and fun?

You can create your life from the inside out, when you start to visualize yourself at your ideal. Start where you are to see yourself as perfect, beautiful, and radiant. Radiant health is sexy and it sure looks good on you.

Visit http://www.createradiance.wordpress.com for more ways to create a radiant life from the inside out.

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