Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Finding Love in Unexpected Places on Valentines Day

By Stefanie Zizzo Platinum Quality Author

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." --Robert Morely

Falling in love with yourself, learning how to love who you are right now, today, is an essential first step in creating a happy life. For when you are coming from a place that is already wonderful, you are allowing more well being and joy to flow to you, effortlessly.

So how do you fall in love with you?

Your Body
  • Admire It
    If asked to think about our bodies, I venture to guess that most women would find it fairly easy to list your perceived imperfections – that which you believe is too big, too small, too flabby, too low, too high…. Why do we find it so difficult to admire our own bodies for the amazing creations that they are? Right now, take a look at your beautiful body, searching for everything that you love. Maybe your eyes, your dimples, your hands, legs, arms, fingers, toes, hair, smile, nose, elbows, knees, ears…. Your energy, stamina, flexibility, posture, ability to walk, see and hear. Sure some of these areas you may wish were different, but I bet there are many that are great just the way they are. Could you see that? Feel that? What if you now took all those parts of yourself that you love and see them outweighing those perceived imperfections – seeing your whole self as one of beauty? I know you have heard this before, and may not believe it, but beauty does come from within. The more you love your body, truly love yourself for all of your wonder, perfections and imperfections, the more you radiate that love outwardly for the world to see and most importantly feel.
  • Treat it well on the inside and outside
    Our bodies need nourishment for us to feel great, move well and live long lives. How are you nourishing yours? What choices are you making each day to build good health? During the holidays I noticed a big difference in how I felt after eating many sweet and rich foods, and how I now feel after choosing healthy foods all day long. As I write this, I just called to schedule a massage for this week. What is often seen as an indulgence is just one of the many ways I care for and love my body on the outside. Other ways? Taking a hot bath, walking in nature, strength training, aerobic exercise, caring for my skin… How many ways can you think of to treat yourself well?

    How will you honor and care for your body today, and every day?

Your Mind

  • Use kind words
    We can all find the harsh, often hurtful words we use when we talk with ourselves. Some call this our inner critic, some call it our gremlins, whatever the term, we are harder on ourselves with our thoughts and words than anyone else in our lives ever is. Would you use those same words every time you were speaking with another loved one? My guess is no (sometimes in anger, but not usually on a regular basis). Yet, we do it all the time with ourselves. So, begin to pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Are you kind, gentle and loving? If not, how can you be? What words do you want to hear that uplift you? What words are you always wishing your partner would say to you? Well, start saying them to yourself, right now, today.
  • Focus on your abundance
    Abundance is everywhere in your life. (define) Just look around you – in your home, your family, friends, colleagues, community. If you truly looked at your entire life from that perspective, I know you would have a long list of everything that is already wonderful in your life, right now. What role do you play in the abundance you have? This may be hard for some to accept right now, but everything you have – everything you are, is something you created or chose to be there. Remember that… you can choose abundance always.
Your Spirit
  • Know your gifts
    Each of us has gifts and talents that make us who we are. This is our way of being in the world, what we are known for, what we share and what is often effortless. Are you the one who is full of energy, igniting and motivating others just by your presence? Or maybe you are someone who has great empathy for others, listening to them as if they were the only person in the world at that moment? Your gift may be one of expression, with written or spoken words, paint, or movement. Each of us has these gifts, how well do you know yours?
  • Ignite your passions
    Schedule time for yourself each day, week, month and enjoy an activity that brings you joy. Not sure what that is? Spend some time experimenting with things you always wanted to try but were afraid to – step out of your comfort zone and you will discover limitless boundaries!

Daily Ritual

Every morning when you wake and right before you go to bed, stand in front of a mirror and look deep into your own eyes. Stand there for one minute, complimenting yourself on your beauty (inside and out), your accomplishments for the day, your gifts, the small moments of joy you experienced, and how grateful you are for your body, your mind and your spirit.

Stefanie Zizzo is a Career and Life Transition Coach who helps people take their life in a new direction. People who have stretched themselves to the edge of their comfort zone, who are tired of looking out the window, and are ready to step outside and truly experience a life full of possibility. With 12 years combined experience in career counseling and life coaching, she has helped hundreds of people to focus on what they want in their lives and careers, think and grow beyond their current beliefs and fears, and take purposeful action to make things happen. She offers both individual coaching and a Leaving Comfort for Possibility Program. This Program, offered as a either a teleclass or new full day workshop/retreat, takes you through a 5 steps process of stretching out of your comfort zone and achieving your goals. For more information, visit http://www.stefaniezizzo.com/LeavingComfortforPossibilityProgram.html or http://www.stefaniezizzo.com.

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