Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Finding Love in Unexpected Places on Valentines Day

By Stefanie Zizzo Platinum Quality Author

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." --Robert Morely

Falling in love with yourself, learning how to love who you are right now, today, is an essential first step in creating a happy life. For when you are coming from a place that is already wonderful, you are allowing more well being and joy to flow to you, effortlessly.

So how do you fall in love with you?

Your Body
  • Admire It
    If asked to think about our bodies, I venture to guess that most women would find it fairly easy to list your perceived imperfections – that which you believe is too big, too small, too flabby, too low, too high…. Why do we find it so difficult to admire our own bodies for the amazing creations that they are? Right now, take a look at your beautiful body, searching for everything that you love. Maybe your eyes, your dimples, your hands, legs, arms, fingers, toes, hair, smile, nose, elbows, knees, ears…. Your energy, stamina, flexibility, posture, ability to walk, see and hear. Sure some of these areas you may wish were different, but I bet there are many that are great just the way they are. Could you see that? Feel that? What if you now took all those parts of yourself that you love and see them outweighing those perceived imperfections – seeing your whole self as one of beauty? I know you have heard this before, and may not believe it, but beauty does come from within. The more you love your body, truly love yourself for all of your wonder, perfections and imperfections, the more you radiate that love outwardly for the world to see and most importantly feel.
  • Treat it well on the inside and outside
    Our bodies need nourishment for us to feel great, move well and live long lives. How are you nourishing yours? What choices are you making each day to build good health? During the holidays I noticed a big difference in how I felt after eating many sweet and rich foods, and how I now feel after choosing healthy foods all day long. As I write this, I just called to schedule a massage for this week. What is often seen as an indulgence is just one of the many ways I care for and love my body on the outside. Other ways? Taking a hot bath, walking in nature, strength training, aerobic exercise, caring for my skin… How many ways can you think of to treat yourself well?

    How will you honor and care for your body today, and every day?

Your Mind

  • Use kind words
    We can all find the harsh, often hurtful words we use when we talk with ourselves. Some call this our inner critic, some call it our gremlins, whatever the term, we are harder on ourselves with our thoughts and words than anyone else in our lives ever is. Would you use those same words every time you were speaking with another loved one? My guess is no (sometimes in anger, but not usually on a regular basis). Yet, we do it all the time with ourselves. So, begin to pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Are you kind, gentle and loving? If not, how can you be? What words do you want to hear that uplift you? What words are you always wishing your partner would say to you? Well, start saying them to yourself, right now, today.
  • Focus on your abundance
    Abundance is everywhere in your life. (define) Just look around you – in your home, your family, friends, colleagues, community. If you truly looked at your entire life from that perspective, I know you would have a long list of everything that is already wonderful in your life, right now. What role do you play in the abundance you have? This may be hard for some to accept right now, but everything you have – everything you are, is something you created or chose to be there. Remember that… you can choose abundance always.
Your Spirit
  • Know your gifts
    Each of us has gifts and talents that make us who we are. This is our way of being in the world, what we are known for, what we share and what is often effortless. Are you the one who is full of energy, igniting and motivating others just by your presence? Or maybe you are someone who has great empathy for others, listening to them as if they were the only person in the world at that moment? Your gift may be one of expression, with written or spoken words, paint, or movement. Each of us has these gifts, how well do you know yours?
  • Ignite your passions
    Schedule time for yourself each day, week, month and enjoy an activity that brings you joy. Not sure what that is? Spend some time experimenting with things you always wanted to try but were afraid to – step out of your comfort zone and you will discover limitless boundaries!

Daily Ritual

Every morning when you wake and right before you go to bed, stand in front of a mirror and look deep into your own eyes. Stand there for one minute, complimenting yourself on your beauty (inside and out), your accomplishments for the day, your gifts, the small moments of joy you experienced, and how grateful you are for your body, your mind and your spirit.

Stefanie Zizzo is a Career and Life Transition Coach who helps people take their life in a new direction. People who have stretched themselves to the edge of their comfort zone, who are tired of looking out the window, and are ready to step outside and truly experience a life full of possibility. With 12 years combined experience in career counseling and life coaching, she has helped hundreds of people to focus on what they want in their lives and careers, think and grow beyond their current beliefs and fears, and take purposeful action to make things happen. She offers both individual coaching and a Leaving Comfort for Possibility Program. This Program, offered as a either a teleclass or new full day workshop/retreat, takes you through a 5 steps process of stretching out of your comfort zone and achieving your goals. For more information, visit http://www.stefaniezizzo.com/LeavingComfortforPossibilityProgram.html or http://www.stefaniezizzo.com.

The Beauty Walk - Nature's Anti-Depressant

By Elizabeth Stahl

Nature's Anti-depressant

Have you ever taken a walk in the woods and felt a deep sense of peace and beauty envelop you? Have you ever walked by the ocean and sensed the power and majesty of its beauty filling you with inspiration? Have you ever hiked a mountain and when you reached the top felt awe as the expansive vista before you took your breath away? Nature is a great resource for re-connecting with your beauty. The nature of your nature in nature comes to life as life blooms naturally around you. We are beings of nature; it is our natural state to commune with the elements, to see ourselves as a part of the whole and at one with all that is. Aligning with the beauty of nature is aligning to your own nature, your sense of well-being and natural beauty as well.

When we move our bodies, and our bodies are made for movement, we allow exciting feel good chemicals to course throughout our bodies. Endorphine's are our bodies natural anti-depressants, they are stimulated by movement and positive emotions, they pick you up and lighten up your mood as you get your inner engines burning. Activating endorphins through physical movement and/or positive emotions and thoughts, can shift your burden of depression in no time at all.

The amazing thing about the Beauty Walk as a means of fighting off depression is this; not only are you releasing the feel good chemicals in your body, you are also infusing your Self with the beauty and magnificence of life around you.

The Beauty Walk

The Beauty Walk is exactly what you imagine it to be, it is walking and moving and breathing in the bounty of life that surrounds you. Becoming one with it all. For the truth of every human being and every particle on this planet is that we are all made of the same rich radiant substance of the Universe. All that is of beauty outside of you is also within you. You can never be separate from your own source of beauty.

With depression we tend to sink into ourselves, shutting off the light within us, and shutting out the light of the world around us. We feel disconnected and dis-engaged. Taking yourself on a beauty walk is a way to reconnect to the abundance of life and re-engage in the world. Just noticing the rustling of the leaves in the tree and thinking of how wonderful that sound is, as if the tree is speaking to you, or watching a bird fly over head, with strength and speed as it soars in the sky, that bird is alive and moving with purpose, take that energy inside of yourself, as if you are drinking up the experience and make it your own. Like the bird, you can move with strength and purpose. The beautiful blue of the sky, the light of the moon, the vibrant colors of flowers, these are all part of nature's profound beauty and perfection of life, just as you are, just as every human being is. Take in the profound beauty of nature and equate yourself to it, mingle with it, become it and allow it to become you too. This beauty is on the inside.

One of the greatest discoveries of my life, and possibly the greatest thing I do for my self, my body, mind and spirit is to take my 'Beauty Walks'. The Native American Indian's have an expression that I have loved since the day I first discovered it, I saw it on a bumper sticker once and I have been looking for that bumper sticker ever since. It said "Walk in Beauty". How wonderful is that?

I have been a walker for many years, it is my favorite form of exercise, it is the way I meditate and formulate my creative endeavors. It is the way I de-stress and release the garbage that rummages through my mind. Walking is a great way to ground yourself and circulate energy. It is rhythmic and it is the easiest most natural form of exercise. I have a background in natural health and healing, I have studied and practiced the healing arts of color, sound, touch, aromatherapy, nutrition and energy therapies for years. I understand that a healthy mind, body and spirit lead to a greater sense of joy, well-being and peace throughout our lives and I use the tools of these various healing modalities to infuse my own life as well as those of my clients. I have also known that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", an expression we all learn as children. To see beauty is to be beauty, this is something we have all heard but how often do we remember it?

I don't know when it happened exactly, it was a gradual process but at some point, I realized I was combining all these components together and turned my daily walks into what I call 'Beauty Walks'. I am proud to say it; I actually tell people I am going on my Beauty Walk, as hokey as it may sound, because I know it is an inspired action. I have shared this inspired action with many girls, women and men hoping to inspire them too, offering them a tool to feel more health and wholeness in their daily lives. I share it because I am inspired every time I take my beauty walk and the key element to the whole process is infusing my self with beauty, it is a totally sensual experience. I will add that I believe I am becoming more and more beautiful as a woman and a person inside and out because of these walks.

In my own experience of the Beauty Walk, I will admit that the first ten minutes or so are about decompressing. All the stuff of the day swirls through my head, my issues and disappointments, tasks I need to finish, things I am uncomfortable about etc. All of it surfaces until I get into the rhythm and start noticing what is around me.

When you physically take your Beauty Walk, I invite you to notice the beauty, even in a city, within all things around you wherever you may be. Notice architecture, colors of homes and buildings, see if you can find the beauty in a person walking by you. Open yourself to being a mirror of beauty and be the beauty that you see. You can use this to inspire your own form of exercise or use it as a meditation to ground, center and beautify yourself at anytime.

Elizabeth Stahl B.A., N.H.C., is the creator and facilitator of "My Goddess Party", Star of Aphrodite Life Coaching, Girls of Power and The Girls and Goddesses Parties - for girls ages 10 and up.

Elizabeth has 16 years of experience in the Natural Health Field specializing in Women's Health and Wellness. She combines her practice as a Natural Health Consultant (NHC), with her Life Coaching practice, Goddess Parties and Sacred Women's Circles. Elizabeth infuses Girls and Women with the essence of their divine feminine spirit and encourages their growth towards the women they want to be.

She is available for private sessions, group work, classes and Virtual Goddess Parties.

For more information contact: Elizabeth Stahl



Check out my websites at: http://www.MyGoddessParty.com

Law of Attraction - 3 Keys to Unlock Your Reality

By Daniel Hinds Platinum Quality Author

--The First Key -

The first key is acceptance. First accept where you are at the moment. You simply cannot attract new circumstances if you deny your present condition and experiences. Where you presently are is filled with wealth and beauty and great things. You must first love all of what you are and where you are before you can move on. YES this is extremely important to know.

You have heard people say this all the time, "After years of being frustrated with my job, I finally decided to learn to love it when suddenly someone offered me a new and better paying job. You may have heard many remarks like these, "For years I hated my body but I finally got to love my pouch then suddenly I started to loose weight without doing anything!!!"

--The Second Key-

Find the beauty in all things. Every single thing in life has two sides, both good and bad, dark and light, beautiful and ugly. What you are experiencing depends on which side you are looking at. Learn to see the most beautiful part in whatever you are experiencing. If you are dealing with the ugliest moment in your life, look at the beautiful lesson it is here to teach you.

Mystics know that out of the darkest moments comes the most light. Out of ugly comes beauty, out of hardness comes softness. Love it all, observe it all because it is all linked. One cannot exist without the others. In order to apply the law of attraction with success you must realize this nature of reality and know with confidence that what is good will come out of what you presently see as hard or difficult but only if you first choose to see the beauty inside of the hardship. The law of attraction requires that you alter your focus to what is beautiful and what is beautiful is almost always found inside the darkest of circumstances.

--The Third Key -

The root of what you are trying to attract comes out of your present conditions. You can successfully apply the law of attraction by realizing that your past present and future are interlocked and really are one source of the total you in all your many forms.

What you want could not have even existed or come to you had you not first been where you are today. Where you are today is the foundation for where you are going so you should honor your today moments in all its darkness and beauty.

--Opening Up Your New Reality--

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get out a notebook and begin to journal your present experiences. You must take a hands on approach in mastering yourself in order to have success with applying the law of attraction. Write out each point and begin to examine yourself. Writing is healing and it will absolutely change your at a deeper subconscious level.

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Discover the ancient techniques to manifesting faster results using simple yet powerful techniques found in the powerful Magic Money ebook written by Daniel Hinds.

Six Tips for Cleaning Up Your Article Boo-Boos

By Ann Zuccardy Platinum Quality Author

Let’s face it, we all make errors. The more content you pump out, the greater your chances of introducing errors into your work. You’re human; it’s your job to make mistakes. I’ve read 20 articles today. In 14, I found at least one big grammar error. It makes me wonder, “If this person doesn’t care about grammar errors, how would he or she handle MY business details if we were to do business?”

You can’t count on your word processing software spell checker to catch everything.

  • What if you’ve typed to when you mean too?

  • What if you’ve typed their when you mean there?

  • What if you’re one of those folks who confuses affect and effect?

  • How about insure and ensure?

  • Do you often write your when you mean you’re?

  • Do you suffer from apostrophe anxiety, often confusing plurals for possessives?

  • Do you think serial commas are something you find in a Cheerios box?

  • Is your spacing and article format consistent?

  • Do you draw a blank on that pesky lie/lay rule?

  • Are your sentences fragmented or incomplete? (Note: there are times when a sentence fragment is okay, but it’s a tool that should be used carefully.)

No spell checking program will catch these kinds of errors. Some grammar checking programs catch them, sometimes. In my opinion, the software or the computer is only as savvy as the person behind the keyboard and no software will ever replace human editing.

You’re going to make mistakes. Face it. What’s a busy article marketer to do? In addition to spell checking EVERYTHING, here are six tips to ensure your articles reflect your professionalism:

  1. Check your articles frequently, even after they’ve been live on EzineArticles.com or other article site for awhile. You may catch an error tomorrow that you would have never seen today. I am constantly editing my articles even months after they’ve gone live. The beauty of publishing online is that you can fix your work as many times as you like!

  2. Be obsessive and impeccable with your articles. They are your professional introduction to the cyberworld. Would you dress in frayed jeans and a sweatshirt if you were giving a professional speech? Of course not. A well-groomed article says oodles about the writer’s attention to detail.

  3. Have a grammar geek friend or professional proofreader/editor check your article for you. Post it on a writers’ discussion network and ask for feedback if you feel comfortable. Ask your high school English teacher. If all else fails, pay a professional proofreader or editor to do the job for you. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg for a quick proofreading job and you will rest assured knowing your article looks and sounds professional.

  4. Read your article backwards. Yes, really. I often read my work backwards, especially when I’m tired of reading the same article over and over. It forces me to look more closely at my work. I find lots of my own errors this way.

  5. Let your article sit a day before posting it. Tweak it, love it, modify it. Your business and your articles deserve your loving attention so that others will love them too.

  6. Be open to suggestions from prolific article writers you trust. Everyone wants to give advice and be helpful. Would you take medical advice from your mechanic? Always consider suggestions from established writers and editors whose work you admire.

When you meet a new person for the first time, you immediately notice his or her physical attributes. However, after time, if you find nothing of substance beyond the physical, you lose interest. The saying “beauty is skin deep” is true in articleland and in the real world.

Great content is beautiful on the outside AND under the surface.

First impressions count in article writing and in life. If there’s just one grammar geek like me out there counting errors, you can bet there are a lot of people who will stop reading your article the minute they spot the first error. Don’t let your great content be sullied with silly errors.

Create a sizzling, sexy, and meaningful relationship with your readers. Let your articles’ stunning outer beauty grab attention. Let your articles’ inner beauty hold attention and keep readers coming back for more of your hot stuff.

Spell check. Proofread. Edit. Repeat this process indefinitely for timeless article beauty - inside and out.

Copyright 2005, Ann Zuccardy, All rights reserved.

Ann Zuccardy, creative entrepreneur, food lover and owner of the Vermont Shortbread Company, invites you to sample a taste of her buttery-rich, authentic Vermont Shortbread. Place your online order for shortbread boxed fresh from the oven and shipped right to your doorstep at http://VermontShortbread.com

See Alaska as Never Before: Alaska Inside Passage Cruises

By Ron Richards

Between the Alaskan mainland and its islands, lies an intriguing waterway best known as the inside passage. Abundant in wildlife and breathtaking beauty, the inside passage affords visitors an experience that cannot be found anywhere in Alaska or in the world.

From the waterway of the passage, one can look upon some of the most magnificent natural scenery to be found such as coastal rainforests, deep blue fjords and tidewater glaciers. Also to be found in the passage are numerous species of wildlife including humpback whales, sea lions and seabirds.
Because of the awe-inspiring beauty of the passage and since many destinations along the Alaska inside passage are only accessible by plane or boat, inside passage cruises have become one of the most popular tourist attractions of the state.

Few people have visited Alaska without experiencing once in a lifetime moments. Towering tidewater glaciers offer natural beauty that usually is only fully appreciated with an up close and personal view that only a cruise through the inland waterways can afford. From this vantage point you will stand in awe of these mighty glaciers that reach several hundred feet in height and enjoy plentiful wildlife viewing such as humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, mountain goats, brown bears and bald eagles. You will also be stricken speechless by the sheer beauty of the inside passage's botanical gardens, spectacular waterfalls, and the Alaskan sunrise as seen from the cruise ship.

Alaska inside passage cruises are also popular for their exotic port destinations. Some of the most popular ports of call on the inside passage are Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Ketchikan and Victoria. Certain cruises even give passengers the opportunity to land on Annette Island and to be greeted by the Tsimshian elders of Metlakatla.

Best of all, Alaska inside passage cruises are affordable. You can choose from one-day inland glacier cruise packages which are as priced as low as $69 per person to a luxurious six night cruise on a deluxe designer yacht for as little as $4,000 per person. Of course there is a wide range of cruise options that fall between these two extremes.

As you can see, there is a little bit of something for everybody aboard one of Alaska's inside passage cruise ships: a change of pace, exquisite scenery, and memories to last a lifetime.

A lifelong Alaskan, Ron Richards lives in the beautiful Matanuska Valley. Ron invites you to come and see Alaska. One excellent way to enjoy Alaska is by taking an affordable Alaska cruise vacation.

Celebrating My Womanhood

By Trudy-Ann Ewan

The word female or woman conjures various emotions, beliefs and expectations, based on society, culture, religion and tradition. A female from the day that she is born is relegated to roles that were pre-defined for her gender. Does that mean that as a female I have to abide by those pre-described roles? We live in a Puritan like society that labels women as sluts if she sleeps around, but it is almost expected of a man. If a woman earns her living as a Prostitute she is arrested because the law says it is illegal, same thing for the men. But, isn't it her body and her right to do with it as she pleases?

I want to travel the world, eat in five star restaurants all across the globe, and stay in five star hotels. Trips to Paris, London, Italy, Spain, the world over and I want to have a romantic fling in every country that I visit. Should I not do it because in someone's puritan and judgmental mind, I am not respecting my body and as such I also have loose morals? Who created these "moral codes"? Men have flings, affairs if they are married and they are invited into the country club of men, but the woman who has multiple flings or have affairs is vilified for her behaviour. Worse, let that woman be the other woman, then she is scandalized and labeled a home wrecker.

Recently, while having a conversation with another woman, she kept on asking me if I wanted to get married and if I wanted children. I told her no, I'm not interested in either. The look on her face after my response, you would have thought that I just told her I'm about to commit a terrorist act. She was actually strongly bothered by my response. Also, I mentioned that women are not victims, they are strong, intelligent beings who are equipped to make choices befitting their own lives and as a result I will not treat women as victims, nor as insipid creatures who lack intelligence. Her response was that I lacked empathy for women.

This is sad indeed, because she is not the only woman who feeds into the stereotype of women. She then not only believes it, she now projects it unto other women and woe be unto that other woman if she rejects that projections. I am one of such women. I refuse to be a prisoner of my gender. I refuse to live my life based on other individual's definition of my gender. What a limited life I would live indeed if I were to follow all these codes of conduct that a woman must live by.

So what if I don't want to get married and have children. Does that make me a hypocrite to my gender? Is that all I am, a wife, mother and a baby making machine? I am not here to fulfill anyone's prescribed notion of any perceived female duties. A woman can be the head of a large company that sees profits that are the GDP of some countries, yet if she does something that goes against her gender then she has committed an egregious act.

Being a woman is one of the most blessed things on this planet. We are creative, filled with humour and beauty inside and out and we have such an inner strength that it would be a tragedy to shut that down. We are CEO's, Pilots, Doctors, Managing Directors of our Fortune 500 Companies and most of all we are Entrepreneurs. It is still perfectly ok if we as women also want to be wives and mothers, but don't hinge your life on being only a wife and mother. Strive for other things, other accomplishments for your lives. Do not allow your gender to pigeonhole you in a box. Let us as women live outside the box, be different, be a trendsetter for your gender. Dare to be free, dare to be gutsy. Take life by it's horns and ride that bull for all it's worth.

About The Author:

Trudy-Ann Ewan, a Motivational-Creative Life Coach, Holistic Life Coach, Relationship Coach and a Motivational Speaker, through Create Your Passion Life Coaching, she has been successfully helping clients for many years in creating their essential life by helping them to re-discover their essential and helping to ultimately move towards their external goal. Her methods have improved her life immensely and she can guarantee that it will also improve your life. Trudy-Ann specializes in the art of helping individuals to create their passion by defining and acknowledging who they are with the ultimate goal of falling in love with themselves. To learn more visit her website at: http://www.createyourpassion.com where you can sign up for her free Dance to the Rhythms of Your Life Newsletters, participate in interactive quizzes and Coaching Assessments and where you can also join her coaching program.

The Personal Power of Beauty

By Elizabeth Stahl

Beauty is Infinite, Beauty is Health, Beauty is Truth, Beauty is Power

What is the Personal Power of Beauty?

Beauty is the power of radiance, and your personal beauty has the power to illuminate your world to a more radiant and bountiful experience. There is abundance, joy, passion, sensuality and pleasure to be had in your beautiful life, and working with your personal power of beauty is a strategy for claiming even more. Your personal power of beauty is a treasure to behold, a way to be bold and a powerful journey for you to unfold. Beneath the surface of your skin is the story of your beauty, and this is the story that is meant to be told.

The personal power of beauty is a magical tool that enhances all aspects of your existence to a more majestic and magnificent experience. Beauty is the source of your personal magic; it is the essence of who you are, it connects you to others and to the plenty of this planet.

What is beauty? Where does it come from? Who has it?
When you think of beauty is it something you know you have within you? Or does beauty seem like something elusive and outside of you?

All people are beautiful, and it is our essential nature to radiate this beautiful truth.

The Beauty is on the Inside

Years ago, I saw an ad that I loved for Burt’s Bee’s products. The photo was of a group of Harley-type bikers, you know, heavy set men, grimacing, hairy and looking kind of scary. The caption on the ad said “The Beauty is on the Inside”. It couldn’t be clearer, beneath the packaging is where you will find true Beauty, it’s on the Inside. This ad cracked me up, just thinking about it still makes me smile; the message was so clear, powerful and beautifully stated. Beauty comes from within, it emanates through the skin and vibrates around us.

Each of us has our own personal beauty, it is the unique essence of who we are, like our signature or thumb print, it is exclusively our own. Our personal beauty or inner beauty stems from the heart, our center of love. Our center of love is the vital force of our spirit, and the vital force of our spirits spring from the source of all life: Whether it be God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Energy, Vibration, the Creator, Nature, the Divine or the Force it is all the same source. Whatever you believe to be the divine spark of life within you; whatever you equate to the magic of your existence; however you understand life with its complexities and perfections and which ever way you account for the air that is your breath and the fire of your spirit all stems from the source of life, and the beauty within you is a part of the package. Our beauty is a divine light that sparks through each cell of our being. You truly can never be anything but beautiful, for you are life and life itself is beauty.

When you understand the source of beauty within you, you then have access to its potential for your greater abundance, power and ability to manifest change. The power of your beauty is already embedded in your essence, ready to glow. However, it is harnessed through your beliefs about yourself and the actions you take in the name of truth, beauty and love. You are born with the tools to become a channel for this very compelling and influential vibration. You are the vehicle for this sacred source to shimmer and shine.

Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know." –John Keats.
We live in a world where our concepts of beauty are decided by the collective consciousness, the standards of our society. Many of us, especially women, are victims of what is known as the ‘beauty myth’. A world where fashion rules, perfect body types are most desired and our ways of looking and being are all meant to sell or consume products: beauty products, fragrances, diet pills, hair color, fashion magazines, douches etc. But that is not what true beauty is made of. The truth is we are already whole and complete beings, we are all perfect because we are each perfectly ourselves. What is true is that beauty is everywhere and within everything. For everything on earth and in the universe is of the divine source. Unfortunately, many of us were not taught to honor our own beauty in this way. We were warned against being too conceited or told we were not beautiful enough and sadly so many beautiful people have never had their own precious nature reflected back to them. We hide our beauty in the shadows, even the super models complain about places within themselves that they find hideous. In subtle and not so subtle ways we have been disempowered and misdirected by the media to seeing ourselves as less than the ideal of beauty. Every commercial on television is an assault, telling us what we need to do to be better, happier and more beautiful. This is the beauty myth and it can destroy our sense of self-esteem and even destroy the joy in our lives, it already has for so many people.

As adults, we need to re-teach ourselves where true beauty comes from. We need to re-connect to the radiant source of life within us and teach this to our children. True beauty comes from the heart and soul and spirit of who you truly are, it is your divine right to resonate with self-love and allow your beauty to take the stage. Your authenticity is buzzing with beauty. Life is love, love is truth and truth is beauty. All of life is sacred and all of life is beautiful. Beauty and truth are hand in hand, one does not exist without the other.

Elizabeth Stahl B.A., N.H.C., is the creator and facilitator of "My Goddess Party", Star of Aphrodite Mentoring and Life Coaching, Girls of Power and The Girls and Goddesses Parties - for girls ages 10 and up.

Elizabeth has 16 years of experience in the Natural Health Field specializing in Women's Health and Wellness. She combines her practice as a Natural Health Consultant (NHC), with her Life Coaching practice, Goddess Parties and Sacred Women's Circles. Elizabeth infuses Girls and Women with the essence of their divine feminine spirit and encourages their growth towards the women they want to be.

She is available for private sessions, group work, classes and Virtual Goddess Parties.

For more information contact: Elizabeth Stahl Wildergirl@gmail.com 781-704-8226

Check out my websites at: http://www.MyGoddessParty.com

Stepping Into Your Beauty

By Starr Shephard

"Stepping into Your Goddess Beauty From the Inside Out"

One of the most powerful things we can do in life is to recognize our own amazing power in being a woman. Our beauty resonates from the inside-out giving us an inward and outward radiance that shines forth to the world. It has come a time for your goddess wisdom, purpose, and truth to shine magnificently! How powerful and empowering beauty can be in life as you awaken your true God given abilities to do all you can with all that you have been given.

Recognizing your own magic will allow for you to apply new thoughts, senses, actions, behaviors, love, gratitude, and wisdom to your daily life fulfilling your existence in ways you have only dreamed of revealing. Each one of us has a set of values from most important to least important. When you list them in order of importance from 1-7 in terms of Spiritual, Mental, Vocational, Financial, Familial, Social, and Physical, you will see where you concentrate most of your time from most to least important, to then understanding where your dedication and time are focused.

When we are seeking to discover our soul mate, once the infatuation is diluted, we see that if we flip our own value set upside down, we discover the one we are with and their set of values. Your uniqueness is most appreciated when you live as you are according to your own values. Give yourself permission to shine forth revealing the amazing woman that you are. We at times subordinate to others versus listening to our own inner voice or intuition. Intuition is your spirit within whispering to your heart your truth of loving the life you live. Allow yourself to get into the game of life and take every breath you can toward each victorious step in grasping your dreams. This is where you become congruent with your mission in life. Inner wisdom begins to project an outward glimpse of the Grand Organized Design.

I am graciously dedicated to the discovery of the magical and inspiring gifts of femininity that allow our physical being to thrive in human potential and opportunity, and also to survive in the realization that within every perceived crisis is a blessed gift. Be filled with radiant vitality and mental clarity for living your authentic self. Thank you for spending this time exploring your beautiful nature and how to access your greatest powers. Every woman is worthy of deserving her dreams. I've noticed woman need help and support to reawaken their allure of femininity, and the independent successes that they dream of....The Secret to The Beautiful You is the gift of our soul, resonating with the minds mastery and our shining beauty that illuminates our lives, as we are all stars of the universe....full of light for generations to follow. Live with bold genius, knowing that sweat and tears, failures and challenges, and our hearts greatest calling will bring forth our feminine power in success and love for impacting feminine legacies.

Meditate with a calm heart words that lift and inspire such as: "I am healthy" "I am focused" "Vision" "Inspired" "Grateful" "Love" "Energize" "I love who I am" "I am empowering" "I am beauty" "I am Grace" "I am There" "I am inspired" "I love and therefore am loved" "I do whatever it takes" "I am beautiful from the inside-out" !! STARR http://www.WORLDSTARR.com

Rose Ariadne's Original, Confident Beauty Spell

By Rose Ariadne

Here is the first in the easy witchcraft spell series, and it works best when done in the light of a full moon...

1. You'll need a small hand mirror, the items you normally have on your altar, an extra handle of your favorite color (representing yourself), and a small charm or figurine that you find beautiful (it represents your attractiveness and beauty, both inside and out).

2. Create your sacred spaces, cleanse your area, cast your circle, and all of the other things laid out for you in the Mystical World Of Ancient Witchcraft.

3. Light your deity candles, and as you sit in the light of the candles (and the full moon) begin by looking at yourself in the mirror. As you are gazing at yourself, focus on all of the positive features you have... don't let ANY negative thoughts enter your mind. Look at your skin, your nose, your mouth, your eyes...acknowledge each part of your face and recognize how unique and special each part is. You came from the earth, you know, and the earth is truly beautiful - how could you be any less?

4. Now, as you continue looking into the mirror, say:

"I recognize myself, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is), as being a unique and beautiful person from the tips of my toes to the top of my head - and everywhere inside."

5. Hold the mirror in your left had, as you light YOUR candle. Place the charm next to the candle, at it's base.

6. Tilt the mirror so that you can see your candle, and the charm in it's reflection. Now say:

"This candle represents me, Rose Ariadne (or whatever your name is). And this charm is my beauty on inside and out, that nobody lays claim to but me. For I am unique and special. As I see both of them in this mirror of light, so they are both a part of me. Myself, forever together with my beauty. No words will change it, no thought disband it. And so it is. So mote it be!"

7. Blow out your candles, open your circle, and put things away... all the while think about the spell you just cast, and the feeling of confidence that has welled up inside of you. Focus on that feeling, remember how it feels, and make a promise to yourself not to let it go... but if you ever falter, and negativity takes hold in you again - this ritual will always be there for you to instantly rebuild your confidence...

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on easy witchcraft spells visit her site "The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Beauty from the Inside for Sensitive Skin

By Tina Titas Platinum Quality Author

If you have sensitive skin you may find that many of the treatments you try are too harsh for your skin. While other women are buying skin care products with vitamin C or anti-oxidants, you are using the mild brand with no anti-aging benefits.

So, what can you do about it? How can you, with your sensitive skin get the same anti-aging effects that other women are getting?

While others are applying expensive anti-aging products on their skin, you can eat them. Now, of course, I don’t mean for you to eat your expensive night cream or any other store-bought skin products, but you can eat the effective ingredients in them. Since your skin is your largest organ, the benefits of eating the ingredients will be similar to applying them directly to your skin.

Here are some ingredients you can start with.

Green tea: There are plenty of skin care product now that contain green tea. You’ll hear about green tea everywhere and it’s now in many brands of skin care. However, if you have sensitive skin and can’t use those products, then you can drink green tea and have the same effects on your skin. Plus, the bonus is that you’ll be benefitting every other part of your body as well. Some of the other benefits of green tea are weight loss, lower cholesterol, and possibly a lower risk of cancer.

Cucumbers: An increase in fruits and vegetables in your diet can have a positive effect on the overall appearance of your skin. Increase your vegetable intake and your skin will thank you.

Vitamin C: Take a supplement or increase your intake of oranges and other fruits. The anti-oxidants in them are wonderful for your skin.

Remember, your skin is your largest organ. Take care of it by feeding it well, whether you’re putting products on it, or feeding your body with nutritious foods. And, for those of us with sensitive skin, we’ll be saving a fortune, avoiding those expensive jars of cream and heading straight for the grocery store produce aisles.

Tina Titas is a columnist for several health-related publications. She recommends http://www.EasyNaturalRemedies.com/skin_care.html and http://www.MyBeautyRecipes.com for natural skin care that you can make with ingredients in your kitchen cupboards.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Radiant Health is Sexy

By Waller McInnes

Looks good on you...

Have you ever felt so alive that you wanted to share yourself with the world, as if you were just waking up and time was running out for you to enjoy all the beauty life has in store for you? The time has come to open to this place inside of you. You have come to the perfect place to learn how radiant you already are and how you can have everything you want in this life. If you are overweight and focused on losing weight, how does this feel to be resisting what is by telling yourself there is something wrong with the condition of your body as it is today? What if you were to affirm your beauty, inside and out, feel grateful for the health and vitality you DO HAVE (otherwise, you would not be reading this). Try this in front of the mirror. Look at yourself, and tell yourself how much you love your body, what a miracle you are and that people love you and you love your life. If this is not the case, fake it until you make it.

When you replace destructive thoughts with thoughts that feel better, your feelings respond and your body will learn to love what is. This has an impact on digestion, assimilation and metabolism. What if you were able to get to your ideal weight simply by changing your mind?

Radiant health starts from within. It is important to get a visual of yourself where you want to be as you create a radiant life. Writing helps the subconscious make the changes necessary to create greater vitality. Write out how you feel at your ideal weight, what kind of clothes you are wearing, the heads you are turning, the amount of energy you have throughout the day,. Describe your ideal in all areas-what kind of an impact you are making on the world, where you live, who is in your life. When you create radiant health from the inside out, you attract everything you need to continue to grow and blossom. It is important to continue creating your vision, otherwise, you can get stuck in resistance, forgetting who you are and back in the conversation of lack and limiting beliefs.

If you are gaining weight while trying to lose weight, and doing everything perfectly, this could be because you are committed to being a certain size to protect yourself. Your body creates armoring when it does not feel safe. As children, we learn that it is not okay to express ourselves, that there must be something wrong with us if we are angry, sad or not perfect. Then we grow and have fun as teenagers, and are taught it is not okay to have fun, that we must be serious adults. Goodbye fun! Then, we get older and learn it is not okay to be sexy, that our time is up-"look at all the young hot ladies out there", "I am too old to find a partner", "My belly is getting bigger by the day after I hit 50". Your body responds to the thoughts you are feeding to it. How about replacing these with messages that let you know how beautiful, sexy, perfect you are? How good it feels to get all dressed up and go out on the town!! Even if you don't feel sexy, the more you treat yourself as you already are perfect (because you are), the more radiance will shine through you and people will wonder what your secret is.

You don't have to tell them, but you do have to keep acting as if you are better than you think you are. I can guarantee you this will create a lifetime of sustainable health. This is your life. It's time to wake up to your authentic self, who does not struggle or think there is anything wrong, but lives in the joy and abundance of life. As soon as you think you are wrong, overweight, unhappy, your body and mind respond accordingly by bringing you people, places and things that keep you in resistance. If you are overweight, worried about feeding yourself, stressed out, you may be craving cookies and feeling sorry for yourself for not being able eat cake. This may lead you to eat cake in isolation and feel the pain than if you had gone for a walk or called a friend instead. What if you were to feed your body healthy foods, nourishing relationships, satisfying exercise and fun?

You can create your life from the inside out, when you start to visualize yourself at your ideal. Start where you are to see yourself as perfect, beautiful, and radiant. Radiant health is sexy and it sure looks good on you.

Visit http://www.createradiance.wordpress.com for more ways to create a radiant life from the inside out.

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The World In The Now

By Michelle Morovaty Platinum Quality Author

Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and out and the Daily Universal Insights.

We welcome the whole world into this community of Love, Gratitude and Oneness.

Let us breathe together into the Now and breathe out into the Now. Therefore being present only to the Now.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.
The World in the Now

The world in the Now is the world that you wish it to be. Through your own perception and belief you can create this world as yours.

And this world as yours would be a Loving and Peaceful world if you could only be One with it. True?

Do you see and know yourself as separate from this world that you are living in?

Do you see and know yourself as One with this world that you are living in?

And if you could choose right Now which one would you choose?

I invite you to close your eyes for a little while and imagine the planet earth in your mind's eye. Do you see yourself in the world or out of this world? Are you in the picture that you are viewing at this moment or out of the picture?

You are the master of your creation Right Now, therefore I encourage you to choose and align yourself with how you would like to live in this world.

In the world with Love and Peace? Go for it and create it Now in your mind's eye. Feel the feelings in the Now as you are the Love and Peace in the world that you have just created. Feel as your vibration is changing. See and feel yourself as One with All that Is. See and feel yourself with every creature and creation of the Great God. Feel, sense and see how wonderful and fulfilling it is to be One with All that Is.

There is no pressure. In the Now everything simply IS. There is no drama attached to the Now. There are no excuses in the Now. There are no fears in the Now. Only the Isness, and what Is, Is beauty within all. You are that beauty inside and out.

There is no judgment in the Now. Your world in the Now is a Peaceful world. I encourage you to take this time Now and use this God given gift of creation. For with your mind you can create the world you wish to live in. Don't deny the Power of your mind for with this God given mind you are able to do much Good.

Mind Power is your gift to be used to live a whole life. Use your mind aligned with your Soul and Body and live a harmonious life that you deserve, that I deserve and we all deserve. For when you are pleased with who and what you are then you are complete within therefore wanting to make a great difference. Your success is everyone's success.

Let us all collectively imagine ourselves as One in this world as Love, Peace and Joy and reap the benefits of living a life of Happiness that will support all. Let us all Cause Oneness.

And so it is. Bless you.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, helpers, boss, teachers, students and enemies to create a space of openness to create Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

For our healers and coaches creating Transformation inside and out.
For our purposeful creations of delightful and inspirational products.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,

Michelle Morovaty

Truly, With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC

Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.

For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see http://www.spiritualityinsideandout.com and for her guided meditation CD's see http://www.insidenow.com

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Finding Your Melody

By Sandra Hart Platinum Quality Author

Each of us was born with a song, unique to us
alone. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to discover our
voices, our song, but the less you search for an
answer to 'why', and the more you reach down deep
inside to understand your song and let it happen
naturally, the 'why' becomes unnecessary and almost

I was fortunate to achieve career success early in
my life and I thought for sure that that was to be my
life's song. At least is was always what I dreamed of.
But, it turns out to be that it was not my best song.
My life and events in my life changed my song. The
song that I am now singing is not full of answers, but
one of hope and positive re-enforcement to others.
This is my life and that is my song.

My next door neighbor in Florida is a young
woman who radiates beauty inside and out. Her
positive, giving attitude and kindness is her song and
her joy of life gives me a lift every time I speak with
her. She has found her composition in compassion
and in doing so has been given many of life's
rewards. It is her joy of song that makes her so
special to all she meets.

Your life has a song that you should share with
others, too. Don't look for it, or wonder why, but just
as our feathered friends do, sing because your song is

Excerpt from Read Between My Lines by Sandra Hart Myartisansway Press 2007

Sandra Hart is the former Ms. Sandra of the children's television program Romper Room and is a working actress in both film and television, an award-winning author and a popular motivational speaker. Her powerful non-fiction books and blogs can be found on http://www.sandrahart.net Join her for a daily dose of life as it is-often with a touch of humor-always with a touch of Hart.

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Beautiful Transformation - The Amazing Development of a Butterfly

By Danielle Marie Crume

I recently moved next to a milkweed plant, the one plant that monarch caterpillars eat. I have had the opportunity to watch these caterpillars develop into butterflies several times and have been amazed by the miracles held within this process. The greatest beauty, however, is the symbolism in it all - and the endless possibilities that it could be translated into. The interpretation is infinite.

I took a caterpillar into my home and kept it in a special caterpillar contraption designed just for this purpose. I wanted my son to see the miraculous process to open his mind about the unlimited opportunities of life. However, by the end of it all, I realized I was the one who was enraptured and enlightened by this natural process. It was one of the most interesting and amazing things I've ever seen. It was even more mind blowing that it all happened within a few weeks.

These caterpillars start as eggs, almost invisible to the naked eye. Tiny dots are left on the plant to grow alone, without the direct guidance of any parents. Within a few weeks they grow over 2,000 times their original size. Sometimes there are many more caterpillars than leaves on the plant. In these instances, it becomes "every man for himself" and those that eat first are most likely to survive. They face not only starvation, but also predators such as cats and birds, falling down and getting stepped on, curious kids, and cold weather. If they make it past all of these obstacles, they reach a stage in which they eat incredibly large amounts of leaves for a few days to store food for their transformation. Then they climb into a spot the believe will be the most safe to enter a state similar to hibernation in which they are paralyzed for about ten days. First, they hang upside down for a day or so in a "J" shape. They attach with a piece of silk-looking string that appears to be extremely delicate. As they hang, they tear through their layer of skin that they have outgrown to uncover a light green milky substance, which hardens into a chrysalis. During the tearing, it looks as if something is eating them and they pulsate very strongly. Within a half hour the caterpillar has become a total different looking being.

This is the point when my caterpillar fell down from the top. He had just torn through his old caterpillar skin when he hit to floor. He was now unable to move and no longer hanging. I felt so helpless as I saw him fall to the ground, wondering what he must be feeling as he was unable to move. It was a big lesson for me to trust in the process. This has to happen all the time in nature, I thought. This must be why there are usually so many caterpillars so that some of them make it all the way. Still, my heart had grown attached to this little one and I wanted to see it through. Another amazing part of this process was realizing how one "small" circumstance could interrupt the development and bring it to a stop. Only the most determined caterpillars who are blessed with an alignment of all the right situations can make it through this metamorphosis.

I researched on the internet and it seemed that this was common. It said that the best opportunity for his full development was for me to re-hang him by tying a string around the old skin, which has now formed some kind of stump. It recommended that I should wait until the green casing had dried which would be the following day. In that time a small gold line and two gold dots appeared on the outside; they look like real gold. I can't say I can recall ever being so terrified in my life. I didn't realize I'd be so scared, but once I had this precious life in my hands (so literally), I felt a tremendous responsibility to do a great job. After patience, courage, and determination, the caterpillar was hanging again. For over a week it appeared as is nothing is happening, there was no noticeable change to this green hanging object. Then very quickly the casing seemed to turn clear, revealing black and orange butterfly wings inside! Looking closely, the pattern of the wings could be seen.

A day or so later this clear shell-like casing cracked open and a total different looking being came out! It is breathtaking to comprehend how much these cells have rearranged inside into a completely new form. I can't explain the excitement and renewed energy I felt to see the butterfly! The body looks nothing like it did as a green and black striped caterpillar. It is now black with white dots with different antenna and legs all together. The wings came out wrinkled up at first. The butterfly had to crawl back up to the top where it fell from its cocoon. While hanging upside down, blood surged into the edges of the wings, allowing them to fully expand. He batted them back and forth, learning to use these large instruments of flight. I left him for several hours to ensure this part of the process was done properly as the capability to fly is so essential for butterflies.

After making it through all this, the butterfly now had the opportunity to fly. It had to learn how to maneuver with its huge wingspan. I opened up the door of it's home and expected it to fly about, but he did not move for quite some time. A whole new stage of his life has just begun.

It was so hard to let this butterfly go once it was ready to fly. I missed him for several days, yet it was so freeing to give him his ultimate life - freedom to fulfill his life purpose and to roam Earth. In such a short period, I had grown very fond of my little beautiful friend.

Another interesting fact is that these butterflies only live an average of two to six weeks. However, the last generation born just before the winter lasts up to eight months and flies all the way to Mexico. This group finds its way there and connects with millions of others of its kind. So interesting that they have all of these instincts and capabilities within.

Now any time I see a butterfly flying through the air, it reminds me to pause and enjoy the miracle of their life, change, and flight. The beauty I saw in the transformation leaked into my view of everyone. I see the amazing beauty inside of each being, such as a three year old naturally sees. I have a new outlook on the world. I feel free to fly above it rather than being caught up in "busy-ness". Underneath the brashness of others (a beautiful attribute of strength), I can see the pure child essence within them. I can see the hopes and dreams of this naturally loving being before reality has sucked them into their mundane and numb routines. I have found compassion and renewal.

It is not a coincidence that I learned of this quote shortly thereafter:

"If we could see the miracle in a single flower clearly,
Our whole life would change." ~Buddha

And now I invite you to get more free refreshing lifestyle ideas, organization and clarity tips, and fun at http://www.AhamPrema.com Stay connected to receive your goodies.

By Danielle Marie Crume

Director of Creation for Aham Prema.
Core Manager for O C E A N Embodiment Center.
Chief creator of the Daily Seed WholeBook, a tool for whole development.

Author. Mother. Sister. Explorer. Enthusiast.
Always exploring the ideal experience, ultimate lifestyle design, and most enjoyable dance with time. Through my passion of service, I birthed Aham Prema as a foundation for creation.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Lesson Six - TV Production

By Linda A. Perry Platinum Quality Author

I hope you enjoy this series of articles about Television Production. Your comments, notes, and ratings are appreciated. You have the power to change anything in these articles. To submit your ideas or suggestions send an email to us. Being a television producer since before the year 2001, I know a little about television production. And I am willing to share my experience from a social (rather than technical) point of view with my readers.

Many years ago, there was a movie called, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. What does this have to do with television production at the community level, or even sometimes at the major network level? I was sitting here contemplating what my next article would be and all of a sudden, just thinking about television, I thought of the title of that movie. I have not seen the movie but I related the title to television production. That's what you will probably see or hear about in community access television. This particular subject is a very necessary one if anyone is going to print the truth about community access television. And if you cannot write the truth, then why write? So, here goes, I offer to you a glimpse into the good, the bad and the ugly of community access television. I will change one thing about the title in that I will reverse the order in which I speak about these particular divisions of community access television production. I will talk about "The Bad, The Ugly and the Good". I reverse the order to end this article on a positive note instead of ending it on "The Ugly".

The Bad

What is the bad part about being active in community television? There are many bad parts of it, and I will attempt to list them and or explain them here in this section called, "The Bad". If you become active in public community access television, you could or might see these things happen:

  • Producers arguing with other producers; producers talking behind other producers' backs, producers arguing with talent and or with guests or hosts or anyone else involved in community access television, producers exhibiting subtle (if any such thing) hints of racist words, expressions or feelings and anger or even hatred of other human beings.

The Ugly

The ugly is just as bad as the bad, but possibly more ugly in that it steps up a bit more, one more rung on the ladder of discontent, anger, disconnection, breaking down team morale, and judging people by whom they are, what they wear, how they speak and more than that; There could be ugly scenes of other producers actually going at each other to the point of physical violence, verbal violence and other forms of disrespect for human beings and society in general. You might have to contend with people using racist expressions, terms or words, or other "ist" put downs. Perhaps the ugliest of them all is when other good producers run to the support or aid of the producers who were suspended, without fully knowing exactly what happened to have the person suspended. You might have to see producers yelling at or putting the staff down, you might have to see producers totally losing their tempers, and see some out-of-control. Another ugliest is when some producers automatically assume that employees, staff or administrators judged a producer unfairly, yet, they still do not have the whole story straight but they begin to stir up the soup by making the assumption that the offending producers were wrongly suspended.

Basically, the ugly comes from deep inside of a person. A person can have physical beauty or be good-looking physically but that same person can be so deeply ugly inside that the physical beauty eventually begins to mean nothing and do nothing for the person. This is especially true if you think about realities of life in that eventually, all physical beauty naturally fades away. However, those people that have a great beauty inside their hearts, minds and spirits will always be attractive to us in our world. So, knowing this and remembering this will help us in our television production roles. Try and be a person who is beautiful inside, through and through, no matter what your outside looks like. Even though most in television are seeking that outside beauty, remember that true, sincere beauty and excellence is deep in your own heart. We have all seen those people that give a good outwards appearance and when we get to know them more, we see the ugliness inside of them. This is not to say that only beautiful people are ugly but this is saying that no matter what the outside appearance, we need to really get to know people, to be connected with people, and really observe what people do, how people act, before we discern if these are the types of individuals that we seek to work with in our television careers or hobbies. Never let someone's outside appearance permit you to reject someone or to accept someone. Look deeper than that.

The Learning: Some producers learn at a different rate than others do. I am in that group of producers that learn slowly, however, once i have learned the subject, I am reliable, dependable and extremely helpful. It is because of this and because of observing other students and producers that I know that good production is not always in doing everything fast as lightening speed. Sometimes you can have a producer who does thing fast but does not do a good job or does not do the job you were expecting them to do. So speed is not the main object in production, perhaps accuracy, common courtesy, respect and teamwork might be better options when trying to produce a good show. A large part of the learning that must be done is learning which producers will work as a team and which producers will work like that celebrity basketball player who thinks that every shot, every move, everything in the game is up to him and only him. We have all seen that kind of egotism at work. And that is not the kind of production that you want for your own shows if you want to have a lasting, professional studio show.

Bragging You Know It All: Probably one of the most dangerous people in your cast of producers is the one that thinks and states (by actions and sometimes by indirect words ) that he is the one that knows it all; he is the one that is right and no one else can do anything correctly. The sad thing is that in the middle of productions when things mess up because of his egotism, no one notices it because they are too busy with other things in production. For example, once I was working cg and I was given a list of names. I thought that one named seemed to be incorrectly spelled and talking out loud to myself, I said, I think this is spelled wrong. The audio guy next to me insisted that it was spelled correctly. And he said it in such a tone as if he was right without a doubt about it, demanding that I type it in the cg like it was spelled on the paper. I still had this gut instinct that the spelling might be wrong (notice I said might be). So, against the audio guy's advice (and he was not the director), I got up and went to check the spelling with the guest. Sure enough the spelling was incorrect. Now had I been a new producer I would have probably taken the audio guy's advice to leave it spelled the way it was, and the guest's name would have been spelled incorrectly on the show.

But the point of this story is that it is not up to the audio guy or any other guy to tell the cg person how anything is spelled. It didn't bother me that he told me that the spelling was correct the way it was, but what bothered me was his "higher than mighty" attitude and tone of voice that almost demanded that I leave it spelled that way. I am sure that any new producer would have listened to this guy. And the flack would have been on the cg person for spelling the name incorrectly. That taught me a lesson. Or, rather reminded me, always listen to your gut instinct. My gut instinct told me that I thought that name looked funny and it looked incorrect. Listening to my gut instinct and not listening to the audio guy, that saved my cg title from being incorrect.

There are times when I will make a mistake, and there are times when other producers will make mistakes and those are okay. Every human makes a mistake here and there. If you do not make any mistakes then you simply are not human. There are NO perfect producers. The point that I am writing about is that attitude is everything. Your attitude and my attitude can make or break the show. There are so many ways that a show can be sabotaged, both directly and indirectly. As an executive producer you need to look out for what is happening and protect your show by joining with good, creative, productive and respectful students and producers.

That guy had the attitude that he knows best, that he was most experienced, and I had the attitude that I wasn't sure but that I was willing to check it out first and then see what was correct and what was not correct. If you have the attitude that you are above the other producers or better than the other producers, then you are the one that is incorrect. I do not care how many years you are there, you have the same rights and privileges that all the other producers have. You might have a few more years experience but no amount of years experience tells you that you can spell a person's name better than the person who owns the name. That was only one experience with this guy who seems to know it all.

The Difference: Now there is a difference in knowing it all (having the knowledge and hands-on experience and years) and bragging, boasting or being arrogant about knowing it all. You know the difference. Just look around you and observe the attitudes and personalities of the producers that you work with. Do you see any arrogant producers who reek of that hey, you are doing it all wrong; I know better than that? Time and experience in the studio will tell, and eventually you will be able to decipher between producers who are sincerely helping and doing their best and the others who would rather be a team of their own and tell everyone else what to do even though they are not the director.

Protecting Your Show: For my own show, I use only team players. And the group of team players is a good mix of both seasoned and newer producers. That mix works well. No know-it-alls need apply. All of my producers are excellent people. For your show, seek out team players, and people who are sincere in doing their job and who are willing to learn (but not during production). You are better off with five new producers or two new producers or even one new producer than you are with one Mr. Know-it-All . Yes, we need the people who know it all , but there are enough people who know it all who are team players, who are not egotistical , so focus on getting good team players for your show and you will do just fine. Many times for my shows, I have experienced people along with newer producers and they are all team players interested in doing a good show. That is what you need.

The Good

I save the good for last, because this is the sparkling best side of public community access television production and it shines over everything in such a glowing way that producers stay and put up with the nonsense that they see in the rear-view mirrors. They stay with community access because they know these things:

  1. Community access television has some of the most powerful voices in this city.
  2. Community access instructors are the best.
  3. Community access training is the best training you can get for the lowest price that is available to anyone who lives in the borough.
  4. Community access television shows are not controlled by what a sponsor wants on television but controlled by what the executive producer wants on television.
  5. Community access television gives thousands of voices to thousands of people throughout the city and by way of the net, throughout the world.
  6. Some community access television producers are the most responsible, most creative, most loving, warm individuals that are around in the television production business.
  7. Community access television is an education while you are in training and an on-the-job type training while you continue to produce television shows and help others produce shows.
  8. Air time on Time Warner or Cablevision is a very valuable asset, and community access gives everyone the opportunity for that valuable asset for themselves.
  9. By watching community access, you can learn things like language, reading and other business lessons. The community access calendar of shows fills your days and weeks with love, laughter, information, education and resources and music.
  10. When you become a community access television producer, you will guaranteed meet some of the most interesting people in the world, in your lifetime. People who travel the whole world over still have not met such an interesting bunch of human beings.

So as you see the good really outnumbers the rest of what happens in some community access studios. You may have about one or two hundred professional producers and might have one or two that lose their tempers. So clearly the good outnumber the bad and the ugly. I have worked with so many wonderful producers over the years, so that I know there is an abundance of good producers out there, we just need to find them, locate them and connect with them. That takes time but the time we spend doing that is all worth it.

The Best: In my experience, some of the best times that I have had in television production has been working with new producers. They are ready to go, willing and able to usually tackle any job in production. They have fresh energy, ideas and usually most of them are willing to cooperate and help out wherever needed. Recently I did a production where most of the crew was new. It turned out to be a good experience. The production went well; we all got along great and the finished product was an awesome television show. The key is combining new and experienced producers in one show. Everyone helps each other. And there is at least one or two seasoned producers who are there to smooth out any rough edges (if there are any). My most recent show was done in that way, with a mix of seasoned and new producers. Mission accomplished!

If you are thinking of becoming a community access producer, try it out; see if you like it. Just be careful. Remember everyone is not like you, so let others earn your trust. Do not give it freely. Let them earn it and let people know that your trust is a very valuable asset. That's community access television for you, the bad, the ugly and most of all, most important, THE GOOD! In some of our upcoming articles, I will express ideas and suggestions on how to handle the bad and the ugly.

On a last note - not about self-promotion but about feelings, and about emotions, and dealing with handling a large amount of video productions each and every year, here are my feelings: I have made my own share of mistakes and I am sure that I will make more. However, I am happy with my work because first I begin with honesty, integrity and respect. That makes me happy. When I find producers who can work with that, that makes me even more happy.

Ask yourself these questions:

Have you ever worked on a set where the producer was rude, or yelling? Have you ever worked on a set with a producer who constantly blew his stack? If so, then what was your reaction to that? I would guess that most would never go back to work with that same producer. So, learn from everyone's experiences. If you want to keep your workers or volunteers, then keep a guard on your temper. That is lesson number one in good television production. Respect everyone and give everyone respect. There is no excuse for anything less than that!

I updated this article on December 11, 2008.

Linda Perry, a published author, creator of genuine, unique television shows that air on Time Warner and on Cablevision in New York City. A warm-hearted individual who gives a voice to those who have been silent all along. This author produces television shows about almost all topics that help people in their lives. Many of the shows are entertainment; some are information and resources and still others are festivals, fiestas, and community events that bring all people together in one place in the city or in the country. I learned photography from New York Institute of Photography, Canon Masters Program, Kingsborough Community College. For videography and television production, I took courses at Brooklyn Community Access Television in New York City.

A Basic Guide to the Beauty Pageant Interview

By Tiffany Hansenn

Beauty pageants generally are conducted to find the true epitome of beauty, inside and outside. Consequently, there is the need to assess the abilities of the candidates – physically and mentally. This combination symbolizes what every female ought to be in an ideal world.

The primary objective of beauty contests is to find the girl or woman that possesses both beauty and brains. Necessarily, the pageant is divided into portions that display a candidate’s physical appearance through the long gown competition and talent portion while the mental faculty is tested through the interview portion. The totality of a contestant’s personality that stands out among the rest is what makes one a winner.

The pageant interview is a crucial part of a beauty contest. The purpose of talking with the candidates is to assess how well they are able to interact with the interviewer. It is also a test to evaluate their intelligence in addressing questions on the spot, without any time to prepare for the question. Since the contestants essentially have no idea what will be asked from them, they must be ready to face whatever questions thrown in their way.

There is no foolproof way in preparing yourself for the actual pageant interview given the uncertainty involved in such contests. It will be hard to predict the probable questions as the topics depend largely on the judge that will be posing the question. However, this does not mean that you cannot study beforehand, in your own little way. It is important that your nerves hold up when facing the panel of judges and undergoing the interview portion.

Months prior the beauty pageant, know the latest developments in current events. Do not limit yourself with local issues but familiarize yourself with what is going on internationally. It is not vital that you know every detail but rather, you have your personal opinion or understanding about what is taking place around you. In any pageant interview, there is no right or wrong answers. What you should concentrate on is how to keep your poise and composure while being grilled in front of the large audience.

Do not memorize your answers. If you do this, you would look like a robot parroting a reply, which would turn off the judges. Be spontaneous but try not to sound silly. Give a serious reply but avoid being self-righteous. You would want the approval of the judges so that they will evaluate you properly and positively. Look at previous pageant interview questions and try to give your own answers. Practice this in front of the mirror or with your family and friends. Their feedback will be a big help in telling you how you appear in front of an audience. They could assist you in commenting about your facial expression, volume of your voice, stance, among other things.

The pressure is definitely on when the pageant interview is conducted hence it could make or break a candidate’s chances of winning. The judges must feel your self-confidence while responding in order to win them in your favor.

Tiffany Hansenn is a contributor to a leading beauty pageant advice website. The website features pageant tips, pageant interview tips, and pageant interview questions.

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Natural Beauty: What Is It Really?

By Lori Stryker Platinum Quality Author

Natural beauty is the ideal many people strive to achieve when they purchase make-up, creams, shampoos and other forms of cosmetics. But what really constitutes natural beauty, and how can it be achieved?

Many consumers, in an attempt to cleanse, tone, moisturize, mattify, shine, colour, enhance and so on, have overloaded their skin and their cabinets with too many needless products. Experts have found that 63 percent of all women complain of having developed 'sensitive skin', and many of these complaints can be traced back to an overcomplicated skin care regimen (Fairley, 2001). In contrast, the needs of human skin are simple. They are cleansing, moisture, nourishment and protection. Skin which suffers from burning, reddening, pimples, rashes and other symptoms similar to these may be caused by or made worse from adverse reactions to the cosmetic products overloading many women's cabinets. Often many of these products claim to alleviate or eliminate the very symptoms they are causing (Begoun, 1991).

When selecting skin care, it is best to choose a product formulated for your skin type. Everyone's skin is individual and varied, but to assist in product selection, and in understanding what your own skin needs, the following skin types have been generalized.

- Balanced, which is neither oily nor dry, and similar to the skin type of children.

- Oily

- Dry

- Sensitive, which is a condition involving reddening, burning or rashes when a cosmetic is applied.

- Problem, which is prone to acne and breakouts.

- Combination, which is most skin, containing oily and dry patches.

Beautiful skin can be obtained by making good choices for your skin, such as using cosmetic products and make-up which are truly natural. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, water and healthy oils (such as polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids found in flax seed oil, olive oil, etc.) all assist in achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Lastly, adequate rest, sleep and exercise also contribute significantly to beautiful skin.

Simple Skin Care Steps:

- Gentle cleansing - depending on your skin type or preference, choose a natural soap.

- Toning - use a toner which is alcohol-free, infused with essential oils

- Daytime moisturizing - light or rich skin moisturizer

- Nighttime moisturizing - use facial oils formulated with essential oils


Choose make-up which is made with all natural ingredients and colours, regardless of one's age. All faces look fresh and naturally beautiful when colours which reflect the earth's vibrant range of hues are applied. Rainbow-like colours, or deep, dramatic shades cannot be obtained naturally in make-up without synthetically derived colours. These colours rarely look natural, are often trendy and go out of style quickly.

Great looking skin does not mean flawless, masked skin. Rather, lets reconstruct our notions of what constitutes 'beautiful skin' and 'beautiful faces', because perfection does not exist in the natural world, nor does it exist in human beings. Computers, cameras, lighting and other sophisticated technologies create "flawlessness", to create an ideal image no one can attain. Instead, beautiful skin and natural beauty is skin that is free from harmful chemicals, hydrated from within and on the surface, fed with balanced nutrition and wise food choices, and regulated with reasonable exercise. A positive outlook on life and an optimistic perspective also contribute to natural beauty, inside and out.

How The Organic Make-up Company Can Help You Achieve Your Own Natural Beauty

Our products are made fresh for you once we receive your order. We do not stock inventory, so our cosmetics do not require powerful shelf life lengtheners or potent synthetic preservatives. The preservatives we use are natural, such as wheatgerm oil, grapeseed oil, d-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) and/or ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
While our products do not need refrigeration, our creams, as they contain water, are best stored in a cool, dark place, away from steam, light or unnecessary exposure to the air.

Our packaging is simple, without fancy and unnecessary labels, boxes or inserts. We believe very strongly that the purchasing power of your money should be directed towards a natural, high quality product, rather than wasted on packaging.

We invite you to give our natural products a try. We do not make any unrealistic or unscientific claims, such as anti-aging or wrinkle elimination, which are impossible in any cosmetic. We develop our products based on sound scientific principles and the physiology of the skin. Our products will convince you on their own merit, since they are natural, vegan and an excellent alternative to conventional cosmetics and make-up.

If you have any questions, please contact us at http://www.organicmakeup.ca.

Interested in selling our products? Contact us to discuss how we can assist each other to bring our safe, natural cosmetics and make-up to interested consumers.


- Begoun, Paula (1991). Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me, Beginning Press, Seattle.

- Fairley, Josephine (2001). Organic Beauty, DK Publishing, London.

- http://www.naturalcosmetics.ca

Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.

You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.

Fitness and Beauty - 6 Points To Make You Feel Very Proud!

By Abhishek Agarwal Platinum Quality Author

There's a lot a guy might do, like walking or jogging during the dawn, or playing basketball or some other sports with friends, but when a guy wants to look lean and have muscles, the very best thing one can do should be to join and exercising in a gymnasium.

Just like having medicine, one must first consult a physician before undergoing any kind of work out.

Physical work out is beneficial because it helps to maintain and enhance one's health from a flock of disorders and premature deaths. It also makes an individual feel happy and enhances one's self prestige preventing from falling into anxiety or depression. Also, it has shown to make an individual with an active life style to live longer than one who does not.

The best work out plan should include cardiovascular and heavy weight training workouts. This helps in burning calories and increases the muscles to fat ratio that will enhance ones metabolism rate and make one to lose or gain weight.

A guy who has not at all exercised before should do it slowly. Doing too much exercise for the very first time might make a guy pull a muscle or possess an injury making it very worse. Endurance won't be constructed in a single day and doing it again and again would surely be useful to the individual.

Focusing on certain section in the body might help it to improve. A very good example is going to the gymnasium and performing an exercise more often in a particular area like the abs can get one and chest pack.

However, beauty isn't only about having muscle power what people can witness. It?s also about improving the beauty inside.

Here are certain things one might do every day to be healthy and beautiful;

- Studying books and other materials often keeps our mind sharp just as exercising keeps our body in a good posture.

- Work no matter what kind of stress is produced. One might lower this by taking time out for doing something quite special like being inside a hot tub, watching a movie or shopping . Studies have taught it is reliever and it helps one from looking haggard.

- Pollution is something which people can't control given the problem's size. When someone goes out, it's best to have some form of protection like beauty products which contains antioxidants which protects skin from any damage. There are many other beauty products which are available and selecting the correct one with the help of a dermatologist might help the individual.

- The other way to be healthy is to by giving up some vices. Many people smoke & drink. Smoking has proven to be a causative of lung cancer and many other diseases as well as many complications for women giving birth to children. Excessive drinking does the same.

- People who won't smoke, it's best to be away from people who do as studies have revealed that non-smokers are also at a risk of having cancer because of secondary inhalation of smoke.

- Lastly, it's best to always begin the day with a positive outlook. As studies have revealed that workout makes an individual feel happy, smiling produces a similar effect. A smile might do many things and it's contagious in a very positive sense. It lightens the day of not only a person but others too.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Fitness Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 111 Pages Ebook, "Complete Body Fitness" from his website http://www.Fitness-Magic.com/71/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.